Chapter 3

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Izuku was heading home after the exam with Mina. They were chatting and blushing after a ton of chatting.

Izuku:"God being Ace is difficult sometimes."
Mina:"What do you mean?"
Izuku:"I ran into Bakugo and couldn't make any expression of anger. It sucked."
Mina:"Yikes. That would suck."
Izuku:"At least I got to kill a Zero pointer."
Mina:"Mind explaining that?"
Izuku:"Explain What?"
Mina:"Fusion moves?"
Izuku:"Oh. Easy. Elements fuse. That's basically it. It took a lot of trial and error, but I found ways to fuse elements into different moves. It's quite fun actually."

Mina looks at him.

Mina:"Whats it like being so strong?"
Izuku:"I'm not naturally this strong. All of my strength was from training. My quirk is inherently very weak. It's the way I use it that makes me strong. It's the same for you. You're amazing in a ton of ways, and your quirk is no different. When you first look, it seems rather weak. But with enough training and experience, you're gonna become an amazing hero."

Mina blushes, then hugs Izuku.

Izuku:"*Blush* M-Mina!"
Mina:"Thank you."
Izuku:"*Sigh* No problem Pinky."

They embrace for a long while.

???:"Well well Well... now this is interesting..."

A familiar face to Izuku rolls up.

???:"It's been a while Izuku."
Izuku:"Too long... Dabi."
Dabi:"You remember me! I'm flattered."
Izuku:"How could I forget your ugly mug?"

They both laugh.

Mina:"I'm confused. Who is this?"
Izuku:"His names Dabi. A villain."
Mina:"What?! That's insane! Why do you know him?!"
Izuku:"He's not all bad. In fact he's going to change his ways as soon as he's brought someone to justice. What are you doing here in Japan?"
Dabi:"Looking out for a friend. And giving you a bit of info. There's a new villain on the rise. Tomura Shigaraki. Apparently he works for you know who."
Izuku:"That's not good. Does Yagi know?"
Dabi:"Sent him a message anonymously. Who's your little girlfriend?"
Izuku:"*Blush* Shes not my girlfriend! She's just a friend!"
Dabi:"Friends who Blush while hugging, and who always look comfortable around each other. Sorry for being doubtful."
Mina:"You've been spying on us?"
Dabi:"As I said before. I'm looking out for a friend."
Izuku:"No need to be so cryptic Dabi."
Dabi:"Fine. I've been looking for my little brothers and sisters. Including little bro Izuku here. Making sure they all don't get up to too much trouble."
Mina:"Like a guardian angel! I'm Mina Ashido! Pleasure to meet you!"
Dabi:"Likewise. You're both going to UA right? Watch out then. Heard All mights going to be teaching there. So you might be in some serious danger. Anyways, I'm out. Pleasure to meet my future lil sis!"

Dabi runs away much to Izuku's dismay.

Mina:"Who's Yagi?"
Izuku:"Leading authority on a certain villain. Don't worry about it."

Mina frowns.

Mina:"So he's your brother?"
Izuku:"No, he's just a brotherly figure for me. Met him in America. Good guy. He's the son of Endeavour, but has bad blood with him. Something about treating his family awfully. I've helped in any way I can, even raising awareness on child abuse and quirk abuse, but Dabi's set on his own path. And I have to respect that."
Mina:"Even If he's a villain?"
Izuku:"Even If he's a villain."
Mina:"I wasn't expecting this from you. It's kind of a turn on~"
Izuku:"*Blush* M-Mina! Don't say stuff like that!"
Mina:"Awww~ you're so cute when you're flustered~"
They walk home with expert teasing from Mina before stopping at Izuku's house.
Mina kisses Izuku on the cheek.

Mina:"*Chu* That's for today~ See you at UA!"
Izuku:"Y-Yeah! See ya!"

He turns around to see his door open with his mom in tears.

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