Chapter 2.

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Izuku:"Wow. I've seen some big buildings in my day, but this is ridiculous."

Izuku was in his car with his mom in costume. He was readying himself for the commotion he would cause.

Mom:"Is everything ok Izuku?"
Izuku:"Yeah. Just time to switch into Ace."

He puts on his mask and switches personalities. He gets out, and several people flock to him. He signs a few things until a big explosion breaks everyone out of their concentration. No... it couldn't be...

Bakugo:"Leave him alone! Get to the exam already,  You're blocking my way!"

Everyone breaks away to go away from the angry dog.  Ace thinks back and gets angry, but now he can't give up his facade right in front of Bakugo.

Ace:"Thanks. You're Bakugo right?"
Bakugo:"Yeah... mind if I get an autograph? I'm kind of a big fan."
Ace:"As a thanks for saving me!"

Ace signs it. It says: I don't forgive you yet. But it's been three years so I have to eventually. See you in UA... Kachan...

Bakugo looks up, but Ace is already gone.

Bakugo:"No... It can't be... izuku?"

Ace walks into the building to find a platform with a railing that he can lean on. He was playing around with his cards when a blue haired kid shouts in the open, interrupting the speaker Present Mic.

???:"You say there are 3 types of robots but there are 4 on the pamphlet! If this a mistake UA should be ashamed! And you in the mask! It is disrespectful to wear such-"

He gets cut of a card being thrown with an icy mist around him. When it collides with the ground around him, it creates an ice puddle that makes him slip. Another ice cloud forms around the entire place, then leads to Ace who's standing with a smirk on his face.

Ace:"Listen buddy. Names Ace. I don't like revealing my true identity to people, so you will  respect that! And if you'd just pay attention a little bit longer, he would tell you about the zero pointer."

Everyone goes insane over Ace being at their exam, but gets silenced by Mic.

Mic:"EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION! And thanks there Ace!"
Ace:"Anything for a hero!"
Mic:"Now as mentioned, the last robot is the zero pointer. It's worth nothing so avoid it!"

Ace smirks. When everyone leaves he helps up the blue haired boy since he was still struggling with the ice.

Ace:"Here. Let me help."

He throws a flaming spades card which melts the ice.

Ace:"Sorry about that."
???:"No no. It's my fault. My name is Tenya Iida."
Ace:"Names Ace. As I said earlier. We better get to the testing zone."
Iida:"I agree. It was a pleasure meeting you."

He speeds off as Ace makes runs to the site he was assigned. He gets swarmed by people but they get away after Bakugo and Iida shoo them off. Ace thanks them both then

Ace opens his coat to grab a new gadget built by his inventor friend Mei Hatsume. It was something to help him be more mobile. A grappling hook! He shoots the hook as he swings across the fake city throwing card after card, freezing, melting, destroying, slicing, or pummelling a ton of robots. He gets a ton of points just from his basic move set.

???:"Looks like Ace wasn't all talk."
???:"He's cute."
???:"No. Don't even."
???:"Don't Sho me."
???:"Please do not make me regret hiring you."
???:"He's holding back. I can tell he's got more up his sleeve."
???:"Well he is a magician. What's a magician without his tricks?"
???:"Big scary magician. Take away your quirk and whats left?"
???:"Why don't we find out?"

One of the figures presses a button labeled:

Meanwhile Ace is sitting on a building.


He's doing card tricks. Mainly just flipping them around and testing a few things.
He hears a scream and finds Mina trapped under some rubble.
He glides down on a gust of air from a diamonds card. By spinning two of the cards under his coat he can glide with air currents produced.

Ace:"Mina! You ok?"
Mina:"Yeah I'm Fine! Only a broken leg under rubble!"
Ace:"No need for sass!"

Ace throws a hearts card under the rubble, which spawns an ice pillar upwards that raises the rubble off of Mina.

Mina:"Since when could you do that?"
Ace:"Since I left."

Mina frowns.

Ace:"Sorry. I'll just-"

A sudden shake knocks over Ace, much to Mina's amusement.

Ace:"Shut it Pinky."

He grapples away, to find whatever's causing the shockwaves. It doesn't take him long to find the source: the Zero-pointer.

Ace:"This is bad."

He grapples over to where the zero pointer is and rescues a girl the same way as Mina.
He then throws a hearts card that rolls a long way away.

Ace:"Know how to skate?"

The girl he saved nods.

Ace:"Then skate!"

She rushes down the path losing her grip eventually falling straight into The safe zone.
Ace looks up at the Zero pointer.

Ace:"This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!"

Ace grapples on to the giant robot swinging around it while throwing card after card trying to find a weak point.

Ace:"This things tough. But not tough enough! Special move: BLIZZARD!"

He summons and throws several hearts cards at near light speed one after the other, making a huge blast of ice that looks like a snowstorm concentrated on the zero pointer. When the blizzard clears, a Zero pointer with completely frozen legs is left standing. But Ace wasn't done yet. He jumps off from his grappling hook, doing a little flip before shouting while falling:

Ace:"Time to finish the performance! Fusion move: THUNDERSTRUCK!"

He throws a fire and wind card together to create a giant dark cloud above the Zero pointer. Then a gigantic thunderclap is heard which rattles the sky as a huge yellow bolt of lightning obliterates the Zero pointer. A huge dust cloud full of sparkling particles falls slowly over the entire exam site. Ace flows down to a crowd of people.

Ace:"Well don't just stand there! Applaud!"
(Ten points to whoever gets the reference)

A huge amount of applause and cheering is heard. Ace bows, then summons an ice rose from a hearts card and throws it into the crowd only to have it explode into another blast of pretty particles.

The exam was then over.

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