2. Coming For You

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One week later

The weather was terrible which suited very much to the event taking place. Around fifty people were present in the temple with their temple attire for Lek's funeral. Narong was so lost in his grief that he wasn't aware what he was doing, so he was just following his mother's directives. He temporarily came to his senses when his mother pushed him towards the lifeless body of his brother to pour lustral water over his right hand. He performed the ritual with tears in his eyes and asked for forgiveness, then retreated next to his mother.

As Narong couldn't look at his brother, he kept looking at the people, performing the ritual. Relatives... friends... a few of Lek's teachers... acquaintances... When the last person finished, Narong noticed that Sky wasn't present at the funeral. His brother cherished him so much, yet Sky didn't even bother to come! Anger filled his mind while his hands clenched into fists.

You wait, I'm gonna make you pay for this, he murmured through his teeth. How come he knew that Sky was still in the hospital, lying unconscious for a week...


Two weeks later

Sky entered his faculty one last time to empty his locker. It had been three days since he regained his consciousness, and the first thing he wanted to do was to drop out. Witnessing his best friend's death was too much for him to handle, so he didn't even want to see that faculty again. His family tried to talk him out of the idea with the help of a psychologist, but Sky was adamant. Therefore, at the end, his family let him do whatever he wanted.

So, there he was, holding an empty backpack to collect his stuff. He fastened his steps, trying to avoid anyone who approached him. Reaching his destination, Sky unlocked his locker and an unfamiliar blue envelope fell to the floor. He got the envelope and seeing the name on it, his heartbeat fastened. With shaky hands, he read the content and rushed to the place he swore he would never step onto.

"Sky, where are you rushing? Are you okay?" May, his classmate blocked Sky's path.

"I have to... search... the back garden," Sky answered in between his heavy panting. May was a good friend, so there was no need to hide it.

"I will help you," she answered while joining him on the run. She didn't want Sky to go alone to the place where his best friend killed himself.

Together the duo searched the area for a while until May shouted out that she found the item of interest.

Seeing May was wigwaging the black bead bracelet with a special carving of "L" on it, Sky rushed to her. With a sudden surge of relief to find the only thing his best friend left behind, Sky hugged May with a huge smile on his face, thanking her over and over again.

Unfortunately, that scene was seen by a pair of angry eyes...


"Narong, where are Lek's stuff?" Narong's mother asked when she saw her son come back home empty-handed although he went to the university to collect Lek's stuff.

"I forgot," Narong mumbled before rushing to his room with anger in his heart.

I almost forgot about you, thanks for reminding me what kind of a low-life you are. Now run...


Two months later

Narong adjusted his black tie on his white shirt and checked himself on the mirror one more time before going downstairs.

"You look very nice, hon," his mother told him while placing the breakfast onto the table.

Narong just shrugged. He wasn't particularly happy about wearing a uniform for the university, but it was the rule so there was nothing he could do.

His mother took her place next to him and held his hand with an uneasy expression on her face. "Are you sure you want to give up from Australia to study at Lek's university? You can still change your mind, you know."

"I am sure," the answer was resolute. He promised his brother to avenge him, so he needed to be at his faculty to find out whoever caused his suicide. As he already had a name on his mind, he was already one step closer to his revenge.

Sighing heavily, his mother retracted her hand, "if you are sure, then I will respect your decision."

"Thanks mom," Narong said before stuffing some food into his mouth and leaving for the first day at the school.


It was a very hot day to have the orientation. As Narong had a completely different motive to be there, he was just following the senior medical student with his classmates without listening to his explanations about the faculty. Cafeteria... bus stops... library... The senior took the excited freshmen, except Narong, everywhere they needed to know. Sighing for the nth time, Narong dragged his feet with the group and finally got the fruit of his patience when they reached the grass area.

"Guys, this is P'Sky who is sitting on the bench," the senior pointed at the lonely boy a little far from them.

Hearing the name, Narong hastily looked towards that direction and saw it was really the source of his anger. Sky was sitting on the wooden picnic table, reading something, unaware of the attention he drew. Narong eyed him from head to toe and noticed that he lost a lot of weight compared to the pictures Lek sent, and he seemed more serene and his mischievous aura was gone.

"P'Sky used to study in our faculty and he was the top student, but this semester he switched to Mathematics Education, but he is still very helpful for his nongs. So, in case you need some help with your assignments, you can ask P'Sky," the senior told the freshmen with a smile.

Damn, why the hell did he change his major?! Narong shouted inwardly. Then, he processed the entire sentence and the initial surprise left its place for the surging anger.

Helpful to his nongs? Really?! That bastard didn't even help his so-called best friend!

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