13. So, You're Single?!

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Narong was sitting on his desk with a myriad of scenarios in his mind. Asking or not... He was visualizing possible dialogues which could take place in case he decided to talk to Sky about Lek. However, his pessimistic imagination didn't let him think anything nice. Exhaling heavily, Narong buried his head in his palms.

"You don't have to be this depressed!" Apple appeared behind Narong, "because I have the answer for the fourth question," she said triumphantly.

"You have what?" Narong raised his head to look at Apple. They already tried to solve that question for three days, but there was no hope.

"Here," she placed the assignment sheet in front of him neatly, "see? I really have the answer."

"How come?" Narong asked with astonishment.

"P'Sky helped me this morning," she answered with a sweet smile. It was obvious that she liked the certain senior a lot, which didn't make the possessive Narong any happy.

"P'Sky?" Narong asked in order to confirm he heard her right.

Apple nodded and Narong felt a heavy burden leave his heart. Finally, everything was back to normal. I don't have to check on him anymore, he thought. Recently, Narong fell too much under the spell of Sky, so he was scared. He was scared of the possibility of making an unwitting move on Sky and betraying his brother as well as destroying Sky's relationship with P'May.

"Guess what happened!" The sudden noise interrupted Narong's inner thoughts for the second time.

"What?" He asked, irritated.

"I am dating a phi!" Ice ignored Narong's tone for the sake of the news.

"What? Who? When?" Apple was shaking Ice left to right with excitement.

"P'May!" Ice dropped the news without delay, "I am so happy! I was courting her for so long."

"Congrats," Narong said absentmindedly, then he realized what Ice said. "P' who?" he asked again.


"P'May? From the Faculty of Medicine?!"

"Yes Narong, is it that hard to believe?" Ice was offended.

"No no, I am happy for you," Narong said outwardly while adding "how about Sky?" inwardly. He wondered why they broke up so suddenly, but at the same time he was happy and felt guilty because of that.


Narong felt like dying while waiting for lunch break. When he was finally free, he rushed to the usual spot of Sky with his curious heart. The senior was really there, munching on his sandwich alone. Narong looked at him carefully to guess his mood, but although Sly was magically beautiful under the bright sunlight, he didn't look sad at all.

Narong moved forward and sat opposite the senior, "how are you?" he asked, putting his hand on his shoulder to give him some consolation. The earlier thought of staying away from the senior was already forgotten.

Sky frowned as he didn't understand what was happening, "I am fine, why?"

Fine? Narong had no experience in love, but was it a proper reaction for someone who just broke up with his girlfriend? Even if he was the one who broke up, still, wouldn't he feel bitter, knowing that she jumped into another relationship immediately? Maybe he didn't know yet?

"Aren't you sad? Not ev-" Narong's words were cut by his rumbling stomach. Being embarrassed to his very core, Narong placed his hands on his stomach, hoping to stop the rumbling. He must have been hopelessly in love as he even forgot about his empty stomach before rushing to find Sky.

Seeing the junior getting red due to embarrassment, Sky let out a soft chuckle before pulling out another sandwich from his bag. "Here, I have an extra," he passed the sandwich to Narong.

"Why do you have an extra?" His curiosity spoke before his brain noticed.

"I bought one for May, but she said she had another plan for lunch."

"What?!" Narong was bewildered, "don't you think you are way too cool to buy a sandwich for your ex?"

"For my ex? What do you mean?" Sky looked at him with confusion.

"P'May!" Narong almost yelled and Sky burst into laughter. Narong didn't understand why he was laughing, but he did nothing to stop him as he was mesmerized by his cute laughter. In order not to miss a second from the view, Narong didn't even blink until Sky stopped laughing.

"I am sorry," Sky said when his breathing was back to normal after the huge laugh.

"As long as you are happy," Narong's heart did the talking.


"NOTHING!" The brain took control back.

"Okay," Sky didn't dwell on it as he was more interested in the previous words. "Who told you that I was dating May?"

"..." Narong kept his silence as it was him who thought they were dating.

Sky understood the meaning of his silence immediately, "she is just a good friend, nothing more," he clarified the matter with a content smile as he was feeling joyous in his heart, knowing that the certain junior wanted to comfort him. Narong was too sweet sometimes for his own good.

Narong gave himself a mental slap for jumping into assumptions without clear evidence, but he was happy to know that Sky and P'May never dated. He tried to conceal his smile before asking "so you are single?"

Sky was taken aback, hearing the direct question, but still nodded firmly before asking "why?"

Narong shrugged, but the little smile on his lips betrayed his gesture. As it was a rare occurrence, Sky's gaze was stuck to Narong's thin lips. If it wasn't for the intruding beep sound of Narong's phone, Sky had potential to lean forward and kiss that lovely smile.

"I need to go," Narong hastily stood up as he was fully aware of the sexual tension between him and Sky. However, as soon as he stood up, two juniors approached Sky and pleaded for some help with their assignment. With his urge to protect the senior from being exploited, Narong sat back.

"Not going?" Sky asked Narong while the others were taking their places on each side of Sky.

"No, I will have my lunch here," Narong answered, showing the sandwich Sky gave to him.

Sky arched his eyebrows while a tiny smile crept onto his lips. He was aware of Narong's intention and he felt at ease having him around.

For the next ten minutes, Sky helped the juniors diligently while Narong was eating the sandwich quietly, but when they were about to ask help for another assignment, Narong intervened.

"Look at the time," he said threateningly while staring at them coldly, "you don't want to bother him too much, right?"

"Y-Yes, you are right, thank you phi," one of them chirped and the other nodded before they fled.

"What was that for?" Sky asked, looking behind the terrified juniors.

"You should know when to stop them," Narong said with an educational tone.

"And what if I don't know when to stop them?" Sky folded his arms, challenging Narong.

"Then I will stop them for you." 

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