20. The Date

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After getting ready, the couple-for-a-day left the dormitory and hopped in Sky's car to go to the mall. As if the entire universe was against them, on the road, it started to rain and arriving at the mall, Sky couldn't find a parking space near the entrance. Narong took a mental note to make a merit in the temple as soon as possible.

"Really?!" Sky pouted while flipping his hair back with irritation after his third tour around. His mood was spoiled profoundly, but he was determined to make the best of the date. "Do you want to go to another mall?"

Narong looked at Sky apologetically as if the rain was his fault. Why was it impossible for the universe to let Sky be happy for a day? Thinking for a second, Narong decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Park it there," he pointed at an empty spot.

"It is the farthest spot from the entrance," Sky stated the obvious, "we will soak entirely until the mall." Still, he did what Narong said.

Narong grinned playfully and got out of the car.

Although Sky was hesitant about it, he joined Narong anyway. Still grinning, Narong grabbed Sky's hand and together they ran to the mall. When they reached the entrance, they soaked completely as Sky presumed, but they were so happy.

"It was fun!" Sky chirped although he was shivering with cold.

"I promise you that I won't let anything upset you today," Narong said casually while drying the senior's face with his sleeve, making Sky's heartbeat fastened. After the fast drying, he grabbed Sky's hand back and pulled him into a nice shop. Quickly and without showing it to Sky, he chose some clothes and pushed the senior into the fitting room.

Wearing the lilac hoodie, the light blue jeans and white sneakers which Narong chose for him, Sky left the fitting room and saw that Narong had the same combine! The only difference was the color of the hoodie which was dark blue. Being amused by Narong's idea, Sky burst into laughter and Narong praised himself silently for managing to make Sky laugh for the third time in the same day.

"So we are gonna wander around like a real couple," Sky was more than pleased.

"Today we are a real couple," Narong gave Sky a kiss on cheek, making the senior blush. Then, he put his arm around Sky's shoulders and directed him to the cashier where he paid everything, ignoring Sky's objection.

"It is a date, so I want to pay for my boyfriend," Narong ornamented his words with a wink and Sky became speechless as Narong planned.

"Damn, you are too good at this game," the senior admitted while they were leaving the store, but Narong shrugged as it was just the beginning.

For the next two hours, the duo partly checked the stores and mostly flirted with each other. When they finished with the stores, they decided to have lunch. As Narong wished, they sat in a Pad Thai stall and the third annoyance of the day showed up in the waitress form.

"What would you like, handsome?" The waitress gave a flirtatious smile to Narong.

Sky kept shifting his gaze between the waitress and Narong, feeling uncomfortable, so he quickly said "two Pad Thai, thank you."

"Right away," she brushed her hand on Narong's arm although he didn't even spare a glance at her, and finally left.

"Your face looks red, are you jealous?" Narong was dumbfounded, he didn't know that Sky was a jealous type.

"No, I am not," Sky denied hastily, pretending to check the menu although they already ordered. Narong didn't say anything further, but giggled silently.

After a short while, the waitress came back with their order and a bottle of juice although they didn't order it.

"We didn't order it," Sky said, irritated.

"I know, I brought it for the handsome," she placed the bottle in front of Narong with an allusive smile.

Sky struggled to contain his discomfort, but Narong didn't fail to see it. He grabbed the bottle and put it back onto the tray she was holding.

"I don't want anything my BOYFRIEND didn't order," he said, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend' and Sky choked on his saliva.

"As you wish," she replied with a sour expression and left with the bottle.

"As I solved the problem, can we eat now?" Narong handed a pair of chopsticks to the dazed senior.

"So, she wasn't your type?" Sky asked, trying to sound neutral while getting the chopsticks from Narong.

"You are my type" was the direct answer and the chopsticks fell from Sky's grip. Chuckling, Narong gave him a new pair, "I thought you were smart, how come you didn't notice?"

"I..." Sky felt the words leaving him. His mood had been shifting constantly, starting from the morning and now the happiness he felt over Narong's words gave its place to sadness as his mind cruelly reminded him that he wasn't Narong's real boyfriend. It was a date for a day, so Sky couldn't even respond to his words.

"Don't think about anything," Narong grabbed his hand on the table as he saw that Sky looked like he was about to cry, "just enjoy the moment, okay?"

Sky blinked a few times to fight the tears while nodding with a smile. Narong was right, it was a special day, so he mustn't have spoiled it. "You don't know it, but I am very sensitive when it comes to Pad Thai," he joked to ease the atmosphere.

It worked as they both laughed. The rest of lunch was full of laughter, and after that, the duo decided to catch a movie. But a very special one.

"Minions, really?" Sky looked at the tickets with astonishment, "didn't we decide on Extraction?"

"Sorry babe, but I had to be sure it didn't have a sad ending so that you won't cry," Narong lied because he knew Sky was sure to take it as a bad omen if he knew there was no ticket left for the movie they wanted to watch. The senior was already on the edge, so Narong was determined to keep him on the positive side.

Sky knew something was amiss, but he didn't comment on it and let Narong drag him to the movie saloon. Luckily, it was a nice animation, so they left the cinema satisfied.

Spending almost the entire day in the mall, the duo called it a day and got in Sky's car to leave.

"Will you stay tonight?" Sky asked before he started the engine. He was so nervous about the possibility of Narong saying no.

"Do you want me to?" Narong stared at Sky intently.

"You have to date me until midnight and I would be too tired to drive you back home," Sky answered in Narong's style.

Tasting his own medicine, Narong admitted defeat against Sky's wit. "Then let's go," he said with a smirk. Sky nodded happily and drove them back to his dormitory.

At the dormitory, Sky heated up some leftover food and after the shower, they lay down on the bed side by side.

"There is only one thing we didn't do as boyfriends," Narong said while standing up on his elbow to look at Sky.

"What's that?" Sky mimicked his action, now they were looking at each other.

"This," Narong leaned forward and captured Sky's lips with his. After the initial shock, Sky responded to the kiss with the same desire. It was a tender kiss though, conveying the caring love they had for each other.

"It was amazing," Sky confessed when they broke the kiss after a good while. His heart was beating crazily in his chest.

"It was the best date I have ever had," Narong said, caressing the senior's swollen lips with his thumb.

Sky gave him a bittersweet smile before pulling him on his chest, "let's sleep now before it is twelve."

So that I can hold you like this...

"Good night phi," Narong circled his arm around Sky's waist.

"Good night nong."

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