17. Lek's Letter

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People say lies are dangerous because they have the tendency to reveal themselves in the most unexpected time. In this sense, truth is no different from lies as it also hates to be hidden. As soon as it sees a little hole, it spills out with full force.

Therefore, it wasn't surprising when Narong received a call from someone unexpected early in the morning.

"Jake?" Narong asked drowsily. He was Narong's roommate in Australia.

"It's me bro! Why don't you ever call me?" The voice whimpered on the other end.

"I have been very busy recently," Narong wished he didn't answer the phone, "is there something important? It is five am here."

"Opps, sorry I forgot about the time difference," Jake said apologetically, then he got excited again, "guess what, there is a letter for you which was sent five months ago! I found it by luck today."

"What? From whom?"

"It says Lek, sorry the surname is too complicated to read."

"Are you sure it says Lek?" Narong jumped out of bed with the shock.

"Yep," was the answer.

"Jack, please take a picture of the letter and send it to me immediately," he said with a shaky voice.

It felt like years, waiting for Jack to get rid of the envelope and send the picture. Right after the bip sound was heard, Narong murmured "thank you, I will call you later," and hung up. Then Narong clicked on the picture and started to read the last words of his brother.

My dear brother,

When you are reading this letter, I won't be in this world anymore. I am so sorry for my selfish act, but I couldn't find a way out. I never told you this, but I hate Medicine, I can't even stand seeing blood, so three years in this faculty have been torturous for me. I tried to talk to our dad a few times, but he was determined not to make me finish, and being a coward as I am, I never stood on my ground. Thanks to Sky I lasted this long, but I can't anymore...

I know I ask for too much, but can you check on Sky when you are in Thailand? I wrote to him as well, but you know he is my best friend and I feel equally apologetic towards him. Haha, he is extremely handsome and has the purest of heart, so you may like him. Romantically, I mean. I would give my blessings for you two!

I am so sorry for leaving you behind baby brother, and please don't blame our parents as it was all my fault...

Love you,


The phone fell from Narong's grip to the floor with a thud. Slumping onto his bed, Narong kept staring at the phone with uninterested eyes. Lek's letter was echoing in his mind and a swirl of emotions was running around in his body. He was angry, disappointed, powerless and relieved at the same time. What should he do? Confronting his father? Blaming his mother? Running to Sky? Setting the faculty on fire? Dropping out of faculty and becoming a monk?

Myriad of ideas were popping up in his mind, making his body unable to move. He needed an anchor to fix his mind so that he could take some action.


His heart and brain agreed simultaneously. Sky had the other letter of Lek and Narong wanted to hear the whole story before confronting his father. He got his phone from the floor to call the senior, but he gave up the idea immediately as the topic was too important to discuss over the phone. So, Narong decided to go to the senior's dormitory as he already knew the address.

Without even changing his pyjamas, Narong went down and off the house. As his mind was full, he decided not to take his car, but his bike. He hoped that fresh morning air and some exercise would help him to clear his thoughts. So, Narong jumped on his bike and started pedalling with full force.

Everything was going well until the last five minutes to Sky's dormitory. When Lek's bracelet caught his eye, Narong lost his focus for a second and the bike went out of the bicycle line. The voice of brake and then a crash were heard, and Narong found himself lying on his left arm on the ground.

"Are you okay?" The driver asked, kneeling down near Narong.

"I am fine," Narong moved his limbs and felt them intact. Only his left arm was injured a bit as it scraped to the ground and was bleeding slightly.

"I will take you to the hospital," the terrified girl helped Narong to his feet, but the latter shook his head in negative.

"I am okay, don't worry," he saved himself from her grip and checked his bike. Luckily, it wasn't broken, so Narong hopped on it fast and left before the girl had a chance to say anything. At that moment, the only thing he needed was the truth, not medical attention.

Although his arm ached and the oozing blood stained his pyjamas, Narong managed to reach Sky's dormitory without a second incident. Leaving the bike in front of the dormitory without even locking it, Narong rushed to the senior's room. He knocked several times, shifting from right to left on his feet with impatience.

Finally, footsteps were heard and the door was opened by the drowsy senior. Sleep left Sky completely as the shock of seeing the junior at his door at six am filled its place.


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