10. Regret and Worry

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Eight days.

Narong couldn't even catch a glimpse of the certain senior. His eyes were frantically looking for the senior wherever he went in the university, but he had no luck. He was worried about Sky so much that he even asked around about him. However, nobody saw the senior for a week.

The regret of his previous harsh words preyed on him day and night, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"That's it," he murmured as he decided to leave the last class early to catch the senior before he managed to leave the university. As the senior's faculty was closer to the parking lot than Narong's, it could be the reason why Narong didn't see his car for a week.

It could be pure coincidence or maybe the Heavens had pity on Narong as his last class was cancelled and fifteen minutes later, he was sitting in his car, waiting for the senior to show up.

Half an hour later, the senior really showed up, but Narong couldn't even be happy to see him. Even from far, Sky looked terrible; his face was drenched in a pallid hue while his eyes were almost dull, there were black spots under his eyes and he looked a lot thinner.

It is all because of me, Narong murmured with a throbbing pain in his heart.

After the initial shock, Narong jumped out of his car and rushed towards the senior who was about to get into his own car. The sudden urge to protect the senior from anything unpleasant made all his hesitations fade away.

"You can't drive in this condition," Narong grabbed the senior's arm and closed the door with his other hand.

"I am fine," Sky tried to save his arm but failed against Narong.

"No, you are not," was the angry junior's answer before he dragged Sky into his car.

Sky didn't resist as he had no strength left in his body. For a week, he couldn't sleep well, getting disturbed by nightmares and he didn't feel like eating much. As a result, he was like a leaf against the wind.

"What did I do this time to irritate you?" Sky asked with a low tone when they were in Narong's car.

Narong didn't answer, he rather snorted. Then, he started the engine to drive to his house. His parents were out of town for the weekend so the house was empty. Otherwise, his father would kill him with his doubtful questions about Sky.

"Where are we?" Sky asked when Narong parked the car.

"My house," Narong left the car and opened the door for Sky. Sighing in defeat, Sky got out of the car and looked at the villa with uninterested eyes. All he wanted was to sleep, but thanks to the crazy junior, he became a captive. What else did he want from him?

"Can we keep it short because I am really not in the mood?" Sky almost begged the junior when they entered the house.

Narong pretended not to hear him as he dragged the tired senior into the bathroom. There, he gave him a clean towel, saying "take a shower, I will bring some clean clothes for you," and he left the bathroom before Sky could object.

Thinking for a minute, Sky decided to do what Narong said as he really needed a shower. When he finished showering and wrapped the towel around his waist, Narong knocked on the bathroom door. Opening the door, Narong got shocked in front of half naked Sky. He wasn't muscular but well-defined. Narong's eager eyes followed the droplets of water falling down from his snow white upper body to the towel, and he felt his pants were getting tighter.

"Wear these," he almost threw the shorts and the t-shirt to the senior before running away from the bathroom with his crazily beating heart.

You can't fall for him, he repeated a few times, but his heart wasn't listening, especially when Sky showed up in his clothes a few minutes later, his white skin making a perfect contrast with the black clothes.

"Will you tell me the reason why I am here?" Sky asked again while leaning on the frame of the kitchen door. He was too tired even to stand on his own.

"Later," Narong grabbed his arms gently and made him sit down on the chair. Then he brought the food Aunt Aom prepared onto the table. Slipping a fork into Sky's hand, he said "eat first, you look like you starve yourself."

Sky looked at the food uninterested. "I'm not hungry," he put the fork onto the table.

Narong gave him a worried look, "at least take a few bites please, otherwise I will lock you in the kitchen."

Seeing the genuine worry in Narong's eyes, Sky startled. Reluctantly, he grabbed the fork again and stuffed some food in his mouth, making Narong smile triumphantly.

"It is very tasty, who cooked it?" Sky wasn't in the mood to talk, but Narong kept staring at him intently, not even eating so he tried to divert his attention.

"Aunty cooked it, she takes care of everything in the house," Narong said matter of factly, and a flash of nostalgia passed through Sky's eyes.

"Where is she now?"

"She left early today as my parents are out of town for the weekend," Narong smirked, "so we are alone for the day."

Sky choked on his food. Quickly, Narong passed him a glass of water which Sky accepted gladly.

"You are not my type, so don't worry, I won't do anything to you," Narong blatantly lied in order not to make the senior uncomfortable.

"Oh," Sky couldn't decide whether he was relieved or offended.

"Eat more, I don't want you to collapse here." Indeed, it was too hard for Narong to say that he was worried about the senior directly.

Sky already knew that Narong had a weird way of showing his concern so he just rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle, not bothering to argue with the eccentric junior. However, after taking two more bites, he put the fork back to the table.

"Can't eat more?" Narong asked right away as his focus was solely on the tired senior.

Sky shook his head softly and wanted to handle the dishes in order to thank Narong for the meal, but Narong grabbed his hand around the plate, stopping him. Sky felt a strange warmth spreading inside him from their contact. For Narong, it was the opposite.

"Your hands are so cold, are you cold?" Narong rubbed his fingers on the back of Sky's slender hand.

"A bit, I guess," Sky answered in a daze. The sudden attention from the junior melted his neglected heart.

Hearing the confirmation, Narong gave himself a mental slap for not noticing it before. I should have given him a long-sleeve t-shirt, he reprimanded himself. He got the plate from Sky's hand and put it back to the table before pulling the senior towards his room upstairs.

When they were at the door of bedroom, Sky comprehended what was happening, so he stood in his place. "Tell me why you brought me here, then I will go back home," he said with apparent weariness in his voice.

Narong furrowed his eyebrows as he didn't like what Sky said. He thought for a second for an excuse to make Sky stay. He could directly say that he didn't want the senior to be alone in that condition, but he wasn't a man of nice words. So, at the end he said, "there is no bus station here, so I have to drive you back if you insist on going back, but then I have to come back alone again." He decorated his statement with a pout, and VOILA!

"I will sleep on the sofa then," Sky surrendered, making Narong rejoice although it was impossible for him to let Sky sleep on the sofa.

"You are a guest, you can't sleep on the sofa," Narong pulled the senior into his room and gently put him under the blanket, "have some sleep, you look like a raccoon with those black spots under your eyes." Then he wanted to leave the room but Sky grabbed his t-shirt, preventing him.

"Why don't you tell me why I am here?"

Narong pulled Sky's fingers off his t-shirt gently, "I just wanted to be sure that you eat and sleep well... at least for today," he said with one hundred percent honesty and left the room, but not before drawing the curtains to make the room darker.

In the darkened room, the senior pulled the blanket above his nose and sniffed the scent of the junior which pervaded all over the blanket. You make me so confused that I don't know how to act around you, he mumbled before drifting off to sleep. 

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