4. Forced Tutoring

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Narong was sitting on the bench a little far from where Sky was sitting. As he decided to expose his true self as a part of his revenge, he was observing Sky whenever he had time. But luck wasn't on his side.

He signed again for the nth time, "just give me some evidence already," he murmured with an annoyed tone. It had been more than a week, yet Sky never dropped his mask, not even for a second. At first Narong thought maybe Sky was only pretending to be nice on the campus, so he followed him a few times to the carpark. To his dismay, Sky was still acting nice. Two days ago, Narong saw him climbing a tree near his car to rescue a stray cat. He even fell from it and bruised his arm.

Narong gnashed his teeth with irritation. More than one week and the information he gathered about Sky were:

He acts nice towards anyone

He is good at all subjects

He sits on the same bench whenever he has time

He has a sandwich for lunch, not going to the cafeteria

He likes cats and dogs

He doesn't like hot days

Really? What could he do with this kind of information? Tie him down under the Sun? Exhaling heavily, Narong saw two of his classmates approaching Sky. Here we go again, he mumbled as the latter welcomed the newcomers and immediately started to teach them with an ever-lasting kind smile on his face.

For whom are you performing this act?

As Narong already knew that Sky would keep his act, he didn't bother to watch him, instead he decided to finish his assignment. First ten questions were relatively easy, so he managed to do them, but the other ten were really difficult.

"Do you need some help?" A voice behind him startled Narong. Turning around, he saw that the voice belonged to his biggest enemy.

"No," Narong spitted his words.

Sky arched his eyebrows, "it looks the opposite," he attempted to sit next to Narong, but the hot-headed boy pushed him a bit, repeating his previous word. Although it was unintentional, the push was too powerful for the fragile senior, so he lost his balance and fell to the stony ground, spraining his wrist.


Hearing the exclamation, Narong turned around to see the senior was on the ground with a pained expression, holding his right wrist. He immediately jumped from his seat and helped the senior onto the bench.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," Narong said apologetically yet coldly. Although he hated the senior, he would never use physical violence against him.

"I know," the answer was so fast that it startled Narong.

"I will take you to infirmary," Narong grabbed Sky's arm, but the latter stopped him.

"It isn't that serious, I don't have to go to the infirmary," Sky reassured the other.

Sighing heavily, Narong grabbed the injured wrist of Sky and gave it a little squeeze, making the senior yelp with pain. "You sprained it, yet still saying it isn't serious. It is good that you changed your major."

Narong didn't have any bad intentions saying those words, but hearing him, Sky's limbs went stiff for a minute while his eyes lost their focus. Narong noticed his extreme reaction, so he shook him by the arm, trying to bring his lost soul back.

"Did you hit your head?"

Sky blinked a few times, gaining his focus back, "no?"

"Jeez," Narong said angrily before dragging Sky to the infirmary.

Luckily, the sprain wasn't that serious, so the doctor simply bandaged it and told Sky not to put any pressure on it for two days.

Leaving the infirmary, Sky headed to the carpark and Narong followed him behind. Presuming Narong also had a car in the same carpark, Sky didn't comment on Narong's action. However, when Sky reached his car and took out his keys, Narong hastily grabbed them from his hand.

"You can't drive with that hand," Narong said matter of factly. He was the reason for Sky's injury, so he felt responsible for his safety.

"So you want to drive me home, really?" Sky was shocked.

"Get in before I change my mind," Narong said in a cold manner and took the driver's seat.

Chuckling softly to Narong's contradictory behavior, Sky walked to the other side of the car and sat next to Narong.

They reached the dormitory where Sky lived in silence.

"You owe me once," Sky broke the silence when Narong parked the car.

"Owe you? I drove you here, so we already got even," Narong spitted his words.

"No, it is too less for what you caused, so I will keep that card for later, but I will pay for your driving now," Sky said and with a quick move he took out the car key, making it impossible for Narong to leave, as long as Narong chose not to attack him as he was twice the size of Sky.

"What are you doing?!" Thank God, Narong didn't attempt to grab the keys, being afraid that he would hurt the senior again.

"Give me your assignment, I will help you," Sky reached his palm towards Narong.

"No need," Narong pushed his hand away, but Sky didn't waver. After having a staring battle, Narong rolled his eyes and took out the assignment from his bag and almost threw it to Sky.

Sky ignored his rude behavior and wanted to teach him, but as soon as he grabbed the pencil, he hissed with pain and the pencil fell from his grip.

Rolling his eyes with annoyance, Narong got the pencil and started to write notes of what Sky was telling.

"That's it," Sky smiled softly when they were done.

Narong felt a smile crept into his face, so he stopped himself immediately. He is your enemy, he repeated a few times in his mind.

"Well... I need to go," Narong fled from the car as soon as Sky unlocked it. His pride wouldn't let him say 'thank you'.

Behind him, Sky gave out a sad smile and whispered "you are welcomed to come whenever you need." 

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