8. The Book Avalanche

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The exam period was finished, so the students finally could relax.

Well, not all the students though...

Being stressed about the exams and the complexity of his relationship with Sky merged together, and caused Narong to lose an old library book which he borrowed to study. Probably, he wouldn't even remember the book if the library didn't remind him of the date of return.

"Did you check your room?" Apple asked and Narong nodded irritated. How many times he told them that he checked everywhere he could think of at least twice. THE BOOK WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!

Narong leaned his head on his palms with desperation. He already offered to pay for the book, but it was apparently too precious that the librarian told him either to find the book or to replace it with a new copy. However, the book was too old so Narong couldn't find it in any of the bookstores. It had already been three days of looking around, so he almost lost all of his hope.


Hearing the name Apple shouted, Narong felt a strange feeling in his stomach. He wanted to stop Apple before involving Sky into his trouble again, but Apple was already standing in front of Sky. Narong couldn't hear what they were talking about, but he saw Sky was shaking his head then nodding. A few seconds later, Apple came back with Sky.

"Narong, P'Sky said he didn't see the book but he is willing to help you," Apple gave a quick summary of what they talked about, and Sky nodded hesitantly.

"No need," the answer was determined. Narong was having a hard time suppressing his unwanted feelings whenever Sky was near, so he would be better alone. Also, Narong already knew that the senior was tired from studying and teaching at the same time, so he didn't want to steal his precious little time. He was not that heartless.

Hearing the expected harsh reply, Sky folded his arms on his chest, "you can't find that book in bookstores, you have to go to the second hand ones," he said all-knowingly.

"Then I will look at them," Narong stood on his ground.

"And do you know where those bookshops are?" Sky challenged him. He spent three years in medicine, so he knew all the hidden places for the rare books.

Shiaa, Narong cursed inwardly as he knew Sky was right. He gritted his teeth with annoyance which didn't slip from Sky's attention.

"Then let's go," Sky patted Narong's arm and gestured to him to follow him. Admitting the defeat, Narong followed the senior towards his car.

Together they checked three second-hand bookshops, but luck wasn't on their side. In the fourth one, Narong slumped on a pile of old books, losing hope and decided to watch the senior wandering around with diligent eyes, checking the book titles. Narong was in awe, he didn't understand why Sky was so nice to him. It wasn't even his problem, but he was doing his best to help him although Narong was always rude to him.

If Sky was really that nice, then why did he betray Lek?

The question was again lurking around his head, dragging his heart and mind into a never-ending fight. One part of him wanted to ask Sky directly about what happened with his brother, but the other part was afraid of the answer, so he wanted to be in oblivion, being near the senior even if he excused his revenge.


A thud brought Narong's wandering soul back. He looked around and noticed that the senior wasn't in his line of vision anymore. Sighing, he walked around to find him.

There he was, trying to get a book from the highest shelf.

"You shouldn't pull it like this!" Narong startled the senior who in turn pulled the book and caused a book avalanche.

Having wonderful reflexes, Narong was quick to act. He rushed forward, grabbed the senior's arm, pulled him between himself and the opposite shelf, covering him from the falling books. Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and thankfully nobody got hurt, other than a hit Narong got to his shoulder from the book he was desperately looking for.

"I-I am so s-sorry," Sky stuttered with his eyes wide open.

Narong felt his soul get absorbed in those light brown orbs which were only an inch away from his.

"What happened?" The voice of the owner broke the spell.

Hastily, Narong pulled himself back. Rubbing his nape, he said "some books fell down, nothing serious." From the corner of his eye, he saw Sky nodded shyly.

"Oh, it is okay then," the owner gave a soft chuckle before leaving them alone between the shelves again.

"Did you get hurt?"

Narong looked at the senior who was hovering around him, checking if Narong got hurt.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Narong asked Sky softly, ignoring the senior's question. Initially, he wanted to snap at the senior for his carelessness, but seeing his pale complexion and concerned behavior, Narong decided to go easy on Sky.

"I am sorry," Sky said apologetically while averting his eyes, "someone also used to say the same thing to me," he murmured as if to talk to himself.

Narong noticed a bittersweet smile crept across Sky's lips. There was suddenly something nostalgic about his demeanour.

"Who is that person?" he asked Sky to pull him out of his nostalgia.

"Someone who left me," Sky blinked a few times to fight back his tears, then he started to collect the books on the floor. Narong knew that Sky wouldn't confide more than that, so he kept his curiosity to himself and helped the senior.

"I found it!" A second later Sky shouted with a happy smile, making Narong flabbergasted with his instant mood swings.


"The book you lost!" Sky passed the book into Narong's hand. Apparently, that book was also a part of the book avalanche.

"Thanks Heavens!" Narong was so happy that he let a rare smile form on his lips.

Seeing him smiling for the first time, Sky froze on his spot. The junior looked so young and handsome that Sky felt his heartbeat fastened. Being afraid of what he felt, Sky murmured "it is so hot here, I will wait for you near the car," and left the bookshop hastily.

The way back to the university was very silent as both boys were lost in their own thoughts...

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