21. All Pieces of the Puzzle

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The next morning, Narong woke up with the sound of keys. Opening his eyes, he saw Sky entering the room with some bags in his hands.

"Aww, did I wake you up?" He asked softly, placing the bags onto the table.

Narong shook his head in negative, yawning. "Is it breakfast?"

Sky nodded, "come, let's eat," he said with a smile. He sat at his usual spot and waited for Narong to join him.

Very domestic, I could get used to it, Narong said inwardly while taking his rightful spot in front of his beloved senior. They had breakfast in a foreboding silence. None of them dared to mention anything which could disturb the peace. However, after cleaning the table, Narong couldn't take it anymore.

He directed Sky to the sofa. "We need to talk," he said while holding Sky's hands firmly.

Sky nibbled his lower lip with anxiety, but nodded nonetheless.

"The medication I saw in your bag is for panic attacks, right?"

Sky nodded without looking at Narong.

"When did the panic attacks start? What triggers them except blood?"

Sky took a shaky breath, contemplating how to explain it because he knew it was sure to upset Narong.

"You can tell me," Narong squeezed Sky's hands gently, giving him reassurance.

"It started with Lek's death," Sky said at the end, "and blood is the only trigger."

Narong felt hot tears stung his eyes. How come Lek and himself could harm Sky that bad without knowing it? They claimed that they both loved him dearly in their own ways, but was it the outcome of their love?

"It is because you saw Lek killing himself," the words fell like iron from Narong's mouth, "he was too cruel to let you experience something like that."

Sky shook his head hastily, denying the allegation. "Of course he didn't plan it like that, he chose the day I was sick, so I was supposed to be at home, but when he called me to check if I was really at home, I understood something was wrong. So, I went to the university..." he couldn't finish his sentence.

"P'May told me you were hospitalized after what happened, that's why you missed his funeral," Narong tried to help him continue. It wasn't easy to listen, let alone speaking about it, he knew that, but they had to clarify everything.

Sky nodded again apologetically as if it was his fault.

"Did you change your major after you noticed that you can't see blood anymore?"

"I had my first attack in the hospital, so they suggested to me to take psychological help, but even before the attack, I decided to leave the university because I thought I wasn't qualified to be a doctor after what happened."

"But you stayed in the same university, only changing your major," Narong wondered why he changed his mind.

"When I went to the university to collect my stuff, I found a letter from Lek in my locker, then I changed my mind."

"Show me the letter," Narong almost jumped onto his feet.

It was no use, trying to hide it, so Sky brought the letter and gave it to Narong who unfolded the paper with shaky fingers. The letter went like:

Dear Sky,

I am so sorry for leaving you alone like this, but I can't take it anymore. From the beginning you knew I hated this major although I loved our university. You did your best to help me and I couldn't last this long without you. Thank you. I wished I could be brave enough to tell my father that I wanted to be a maths teacher for all my life. But I was not. So, like a coward, I chose to leave. Please don't blame me for what I did. By the way, I know I am being very selfish, but can you help my baby brother, Narong when he comes here? He looks very strong, but he is actually quite vulnerable, and I am afraid he will be too shaken by what I did. You know him already as I kept telling you about him. So I can trust you with him, right? One more thing, I want you to have my lucky bracelet. Sorry, I couldn't bear to leave it now, but I will throw it away before I jump so that there won't be any bad energy on it.

Well, I need to go now.

Thank you for being my friend and I am so sorry,


The letter fell from Narong's grip onto the table while a stray tear trickled down his cheek. Sky reached out and wiped the tear with his finger.

"You granted Lek's wish, that's why you stayed," he grabbed Sky's hand and let his tears fall. "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me hate you?"

"Cause it was easier for you."

"What do you mean?" Narong asked with a frown.

"When I first saw you in the faculty, I saw pure hatred in your eyes. I didn't understand the reason for your hostility, but I believed it was easier for you to focus on your hate rather than cope with your grief. So, I let you hate me as I also deserved it; I failed to see my friend's depression and couldn't prevent what happened," Sky completed all the missing pieces of the puzzle from his side.

Narong listened to him in utter silence. He felt so numb that he couldn't feel or think anything. For months, he hated the wrong person and suffered in vain as well as making Sky suffer alongside. While he was searching for the bad guy, he himself became the villain. With each word, Sky proved why he deserved to be loved fully while Narong proved why he didn't deserve to be that person.

"How did you endure me? How come you can tolerate me, sitting in front of you?" Narong asked after a long silence, ashamed.

"Because I love you" was the decisive answer.

"Then you forgive me?"

"I have never blamed you," Sky said with a loving gaze, "beside you are not that bad, you have always been with me whenever I need to."

"Then why are you trying to push me away?" Narong asked with an agitated tone.

"Don't you understand?" Sky stood up and started to pace the room. There was fire in his eyes and tension on his shoulders, "your brother trusted you to me, but I took advantage of the situation. You were very vulnerable and I-"

"Phi," Narong cut his words, "we are so stupid."

"What?" Sky stopped his pacing to look at Narong.

"You didn't take advantage of the situation, I fell for you because you are an angel," Narong stood in front of Sky, holding his hands, "Lek also wanted us to end up as boyfriends."

The fire in Sky's eyes died down and was replaced by innocent confusion, "what do you mean?"

"I am so sorry for not showing this before," Narong took his phone out of his pocket and clicked on the picture of Lek's letter, "I received it yesterday, that's why I came knocking at your door at six."

Sky got the phone with his trembling hands and read the letter with wide open eyes. "He wanted us to be together?!"

"Yes, and I want it too," Narong said softly, "will you please be my boyfriend?"

Sky nodded quickly while silent tears of happiness were falling from his eyes. Narong pulled him into a tight embrace with a huge smile curving his lips.

Finally the universe took some pity on them.

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