3. First Meeting

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"We are doomed!" Apple threw the pencil she was holding onto the table.

"Totally agree," Ice nodded before dropping his head onto the table.

Narong rolled his eyes at the behaviour of his friends although he was in the same situation. Who would have guessed that they were already drowned in assignments in the first week?!

"Shall we ask P'Sky for help?" The sudden suggestion came from Apple.

Hearing the cursed name, Narong got tense for a second, then he shook his head in negative. "We don't need him, we can solve it by ourselves," he said with a cold tone. He would rather die than receive help from that bastard.

"Really?" Ice arched his eyebrows with suspicion, "we have been trying for three days, yet there is no result."

"And the submission is tomorrow," Apple supported Ice.

Narong opened his mouth to argue, but then he noticed that it was actually a good chance for him to observe his enemy. Two birds with one stone, right? Still, he wouldn't talk to him, just observe.

"Let's go then," he stood up abruptly and gathered his stuff. His friends shared a glance before following his lead.

The trio went to the mutual grass area where Sky always sat if he didn't have class. Luck was on their side as Sky was really there, doing his own assignment.

"P'Sky?" Apple called out to the boy as he didn't notice their existence.

"Yes?" Sky raised his head and Apple and Ice waiied to the senior while Narong just stared at him with hostile eyes.

Sky noticed the dark aura emitted from Narong but pretended not to. Staring back at Narong's tall and handsome figure, he asked "may I help you?"

Narong blinked a few times as he found Sky's gaze a bit strange. Does he know me? Narong thought, but then dismissed the idea as he hated taking photos of himself, Lek didn't have any photo of Narong for the last two years.

"Yes Phi," Apple directed a shy smile towards the senior, breaking Narong's trance, "we need some help for our assignments, do you have some time?"

Sky shifted his gaze from Narong to Apple, "sure, I always have time for my nongs."

Sighing in relief, Apple and Ice sat on each side of Sky while Narong sat across them to observe Sky better.

"By the way, can I learn your names first?" Sky asked so that he could call them by their names.

"I am Apple, this is Ice and the grumpy one is Narong."

"I will remember," Sky assured them.

"Really?" Narong arched his eyebrows, challenging him. Now, he was sure Sky didn't know him.

"Yes," was the unwavered answer, "I never forget."

Being aware of the unreasonable silent war between Sky and Narong, Apple stepped in.

"Phi, shall we start?"

"Sure," Sky got the assignment from Apple to see what it was. Then, he started to explain it to them.

Although Narong tried to pretend as if he wasn't listening to the senior, he actually did. He would never say it aloud, but he had to admit that Sky was really good at teaching. He was explaining everything very slowly and clearly, encouraging them to ask questions and praising them when they say something smart.

Narong didn't write a single word to his assignment to play it cool, but he learned everything Sky explained so it was no problem to fill it later.

"Thank you Phi, you saved us," Ice expressed their gratitude when they were done.

"No problem, I am happy to help," Sky stood up, "see you later then, N'Apple, N'Ice and N'Narong," he said, looking straight at Narong.

Narong squinted his eyes, understanding Sky's ploy; he was trying to show Narong that he remembered their names.

"See you phi!" Ice and Apple said in unison, Narong was silent.

Later on the same day, Narong was sitting in his room, filling the assignment Sky taught them.

You managed to deceive my friends, but I know your true self, he murmured, losing his attention again. The fact that Sky presented himself as a wonderful human being irritated Narong to the extreme that his mind kept going back to the afternoon.

I need to expose you, he thought, rubbing his chin. 

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