7. The Ointment

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"Will you apply it or continue to watch it?" May brought Sky's lost soul back to his body.

"It is too precious to use," Sky kept staring at the little bottle as if it held the secrets of life.

"What?" May already knew Sky was an interesting character, but this time he seemed to lose it completely.

"Nothing, let's continue," Sky said with a reassuring smile after placing the bottle into his bag.

When the librarian woke him up the previous day, Sky panicked not seeing his stuff on the table, but then he noticed that his stuff and a little bottle of ointment were put into his bag without his knowledge. Thinking whom that person might be, Sky rubbed his face and his fingers smeared with the ointment. So, whoever that person was, he or she not only gave him the ointment but also applied it for him.

Being confused to his very core, Sky grabbed his bag and rushed to the librarian to ask if she saw anyone near him. When the librarian told him about the tall guy with fluffy hair who notified her about him, Sky had an idea about the mysterious guy. But, then she also remembered that the guy had a bag with the pattern of Australian flag, making Sky know for sure.


But why? Didn't Narong say that he hated Sky? Then why the hell did he come to the library with ointment, gather his stuff and personally apply the ointment for him? Sky knew Narong was a true embodiment of conflicting emotions, but the whole thing was very weird, even for Narong.

"Sky, you are spacing out again!"

"Sorry May, but I can't focus now," Sky collected his materials, "see you later," he left the library to find Narong as he was the only one who could clarify the situation.

While Sky was on his way to the Faculty of Medicine, Narong was sitting with Ice and Apple on the table in the garden, studying the lecture notes.

"Hey nongs," Sky greeted the juniors with a smile. He was relieved to find Narong in the garden.

The juniors except Narong waiied the senior. Noticing it, Apple nudged Narong with her elbow but he ignored it, pretending to be immersed in studying.

Sky rolled his eyes with irritation because of Narong's childish behavior, but he didn't let himself be discouraged by that. He tapped the junior's shoulder, saying "Narong?"

Sighing heavily, Narong raised his head to look at the person whom he tried to avoid. "Yes?"

"Can we talk for a second?" Sky asked, but it was rhetorical as he had no intention to accept no as an answer.

Narong saw the determination in Sky's eyes, so he didn't argue. Slowly, he stood up and led the way towards the statue where it was empty. Sky followed him behind obediently.

"What is it now?" Narong asked when they arrived. His tone sounded exasperated but in his heart, he was happy to see the senior, no matter how much he denied.

Sky wigwagged the ointment bottle, "I want to ask about this," he said while staring straight at Narong.

Narong cursed himself inwardly for leaving the evidence behind, but he would do the same if he could go back to that time as he wanted that ugly bruise to disappear soon. Yet, Narong didn't fail to see that the bottle was still full.

Suddenly, Narong grabbed the bottle from Sky's hand. The action caused their hands to touch for a second and both of them felt a mild electric shock from the contact. They kept looking at each other until Narong broke the silence.

"What is there to ask?" Narong decided not to waste time denying that it was him who gave him the ointment, also Sky wouldn't believe it anyway. So, he rather smeared his fingertips with the oil and applied to Sky's still purple cheek under the bewildered gaze of Sky.

"Why?" Sky managed to ask when Narong finished applying.

Cute, Narong's heart was screaming, seeing Sky's blushed face, but his mouth was saying something completely different as he kept reminding himself of P'Lek as well as P'May.

"Cause I didn't want to be indebted to you," Narong words spilled from his mouth forcefully, "and you don't know how to take care of yourself, so I had to do it personally... twice."

Sky was aghast and Narong used that opportunity. He pressed the bottle into Sky's frozen hand, saying "now you know what to do with the ointment," and left the area.

"How can you manage to shock me each time?" Sky asked behind the disappearing figure of Narong, his hand was tight around the small bottle.

I don't know what to do...

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