11. The Nightmare

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Narong was sitting in the living room, doing his assignments. After putting the senior into his bed, he cleaned the kitchen, made a smoothie for the senior for dinner as Sky couldn't even eat half of the lunch, and then sat in the living room with a cup of coffee to do his assignments.

After a while, he looked at the clock; 21.00.

Was he that tired that he is still sleeping? Narong wondered and decided to check on the senior. With light steps, he went upstairs and slowly opened the door, peeking inside for a second before rushing inside as he saw the senior was convulsing in the bed while mumbling incoherently.

"Sky wake up," Narong patted the senior's cheeks softly to wake him up, but he failed. The senior was too immersed in the nightmare. Overwhelmed with worry, Narong pulled the senior a bit up and hugged him tightly while whispering soothing words into his ear.

His attempt was a success as after a while, the senior stopped convulsing, but his hands were tight around Narong's t-shirt. Narong heard his sobs and felt his tears on his shoulders. He tightened his arms around the senior, trying to make him feel his presence.

"Lek!" The senior shouted and opened his bloodshot eyes.

Narong felt his soul leave his body with the three letters spilled from Sky's mouth. Was the nightmare related to Lek? But why?

"Narong?" The trembling voice brought Narong back to the earth.

"Are you okay?" He found himself saying while wiping the tears from the senior's eyes.

"I... saw a nightmare..."

"Yeah, I noticed that," he didn't want to be mean, but it was what he said, "go back to sleep, it is late already," he attempted to stand up but his wrist was caught by cold fingers.

"Can you stay here?" Sky asked with a low tone.

Narong noticed that his hand was still shaking, obviously he was still under the effect of the nightmare. Although it was the last thing he wanted to do, he wasn't that heartless to leave the pleading senior alone. Therefore, he climbed the bed reluctantly and lay down next to the senior. As his bed was a double bed, there was plenty of space for both of them to lie without touching each other.

Still, a few minutes later, Sky's fingers found their way back to Narong's wrist, seeking some reassurance. Narong neither said anything nor retracted his arm, pretending to be sleeping.

During the night, Sky became restless a few more times, so at the end, Narong had no other way than to encircle his arms around the senior. Feeling the warmth, Sky unwittingly snuggled up to Narong, and the latter realized the senior fitted perfectly to his arms to his dismay.

The rest of the night was peaceful. For the first time in one week, Sky managed to sleep more than two hours, thanks to the presence of Narong.


Around seven am, Narong woke up, his arm feeling numb. Opening his eyes slightly, he saw the cause of his numbness was the senior's head which was resting on his arm. Narong tilted his head a bit to see the senior's sleeping face.


He brushed a finger gently on Sky's cheek. The previous night, the senior scared him a lot when he was convulsing on the bed desperately. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was happy that he dragged him to his house as he didn't even want to think what the senior would go through if he was alone in his dormitory room. He really wondered what the nightmare was about and how it was related to Lek. Narong kept looking at the senior's cute face as if the answers were there.

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