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I was returning from the manner class to my room. I tried my best to ignore the elves who were wolf whistling me. I thought the Elvish ladies would be rude and cold to me but they were kind and warm. I walked hurriedly when I saw Emily walking past me, as I were a stone pillar.

I felt down. I really missed her. I don't know what to do to make her talk to me. I looked around at the men who were calling out to me and winking. I never had boys drooling over me ever before... Usually it was Emily who received all the male attentions.

I slumped down at my bed and sighed so heavily I felt better. A maiden elf came over and handed me my lunch in a big tray. There was deer stew and turkey. I ate it trying to relish it's taste but something was turning my stomach over.

Guilt... I felt guilty in some way. Not talking to Emily and being in two directions. We were two different person. Having two different personalities. Having two different interests. Having two different wishes. But we were still friends. I miss her...

I couldn't take it anymore... I was down. I needed some space from all this. I was frustrated and felt suffocated. I walked out of my room. I walked down the training ground to the place where I was learning archery. It was the only place I felt calm and could breath. I sat down beneath the trunk of a crooked tree. Silent tears were rolling down my cheeks. I knew my face was turning red. It always turns red when I'm crying. I sniffed. I wish Joseph was here. He always knew the best thing to do when I was in trouble or needed help. I miss that goofball. I miss mom and dad.

I wish I had taken that brooch I had left at the cave. It would have atleast reminded me that there is still hope and I could still go home. I just want a shoulder to cry on. Now I have no one.

These thoughts made me even more desperate and I started crying openly. It was really silent and my cries were slowly echoing the forest. But I'm sure no one could hear me when suddenly an arrow flew past and hit the bullseye. Right at the bullseye. I jumped up suddenly. I turned to look at the direction the arrow had passed. It was somewhere above the trees. I searched the trees standing there and my heart skipped a beat when I saw an elf sitting on the crooked tree I was resting on.

 I searched the trees standing there and my heart skipped a beat when I saw an elf sitting on the crooked tree I was resting on

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'Hi Daemeon...' I said rubbing and wiping my eyes fast, 'What are you doing here?'. He jumped off the tree like a cat on its feet. 'You were crying' he said. 'I know' I replied, it's no use lying, he probably was there the whole time. 'Why?' he asked, 'I was sad' I replied coyly. He raised an eyebrow. 'I just miss home and-' ' Your friend' he completed for me. '

Yes. Emily too' I said biting back the tears. Daemeon nodded. 'Why are you here?' he asked. 'I was troubled' I replied. ' I come here when I'm troubled too... It's like my secret paradise' he said.

He looked straight at me and continued ' I never showed this to anybody'. 'Then why'd you bring me here? For practise and all that. You might regret it now right?' I said. 'No... I actually feel happy about it' he said smoothly. I blushed. 'How's all the classes going?' he asked kindly. 'Its going pretty well for me' I said.

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