Broken communication

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Well, Loki had made some kind of progress... sort of. He guessed.

Why and how, he didn't know, but he also knew it was far from enough - Thor needed to get into shape! However, when you are a small not-fully-grown cat, smaller than the Thunder God's foot, it is not easy to force the big lunk to do push ups! Or go for a run! Or anything.

But that didn't stop him from trying. Loki was pushing Thor... Or rather he was trying to push Thor, butting his head against Thors foot and pushed.

Come on! Come on we need to go outside! Go for a run! Uuuuuuuuurgh!

Then suddenly Thor took a step and Loki just fell over, lacking support from the foot he had been pressing himself against.

"Heh." a deep voice sounded from above. "You really are pretty cute." Thor commented as he reached down. Loki found himself being picked up and a large, rough finger began stroking his forehead.

Shut up Thor... You still got one eye left I could scratch out.

"I guess I should find you something to eat right?" Thor asked. "That's why you keep pressing up against me isn't it?"

NO! I need you to go outside and start training... But yes I am rather famished.

Thor put Loki down on the counter and opened the fridge. "You are not supposed to give felines milk, that's what Loki said." he murmured. "Meat." he pulled out a sausage and put it on a cutting board. "Need to ask Valkyrie to buy some cat food I guess."

Yeah, no. Loki was not going to eat anything coming out of a can, nor those dry food pellet things his cat mother had eaten.

"Can you keep a secret?" Thor asked Loki as he started to cut the sausage up.

I can't talk Thor, how would I be able to share any secrets?

"You... you remind me of my brother." Thor admitted and Loki blinked. "He was amazing. He could transform into animals and... they would usually be black with green eyes. Like you." he breathed. "His hair was black and his eyes green so I guess it makes sense... I erhm. I have this weird thought that maybe ... maybe there might be a bit of Loki inside of you or something. And that you were sent here to keep an eye on me. But don't tell anyone, they'll think I have gone insane. Of course it's not true, of course you're not Loki. He's dead... And for real this time."

Loki lowered his head, unable to face the sorrow in Thor's voice.

"Not even Loki would be so cruel to pose himself as a cat and not reveal himself if he had somehow survived." Thor sighed deeply. "He was fond of playing tricks, but they were for fun, things to laugh over afterward. Even in taking vengeance for a slight he was not cruel. Not truly." Thor's breath hitched slightly, as if he were about to cry.

No, Loki had never cared for causing true harm... Embarrassment, a fright, a lesson - certainly, any of those. Gleefully, even. But his pranks, even in malice, were relatively harmless. If he could ease his brother's suffering, he would. If Loki could turn into something humanoid he would have. Even just something that could communicate.

"If Loki was here now... He would be so mad at me." Thor sighed again. "And disappointed. I can just see it, the way he would look at me. He didn't think I would be a worthy king, you know, not for a very long time. He tried to tell me, to get me to change, and when that failed, to make sure I wouldn't be king. I was so angry at him because I couldn't see it. He'd been at my side our whole lives, always there to help. Always fixing things. And then he wasn't. It felt like he'd betrayed me by not supporting me, and then I thought he was dead. It was the worst time of my life. Well, the first worst time. There have been worse times since. But then, finally... He was there again. He supported me, he said to me I was king now and that was how it was meant to be. He believed in me, that I could do it. It meant so much to me!" Thors eyes glittered with tears yet to fall. "That Loki of all people would say that! It made me think that just maybe... But he was right from the start." his voice broke as the tears began to track down his cheeks. "He was right!"

Dammit Thor, why do you have to make me feel so awful about myself.

The plate with sausage was put in front of Loki, but he didn't feel hungry anymore.

And Thor was leaning over the counter crying quietly.

Norns! What am I supposed to do?! If he could just talk to Thor! Loki hissed in annoyance, they needed to talk. Clearly! But how?!

Loki looked at his plate, with pieces of sausage and his eyes widened as inspiration struck. AHA! It wasn't much, but at least he would be able to make just one single word right? Loki bent forward and started to use his little nose to rearrange pieces of meat, it was very crude and hard to make out... and then he lacked pieces of meat. Dammit, but it was clearly runes! Right?

I am h

... He wanted to right I am here, but didn't work out. Still though! Thor! Thor look! Thor! I made letters.

Thor was looking the other way, head still bowed in his grief.

"Meow!" Loki tried.

Thor sighed deeply, and straightened, wiping his eyes.

"MEOOOW!" Loki proclaimed louder swiping for Thor's arm.

"Argh." Thor hissed looking down at Loki. "In a mood again huh?" he asked, then shook his head. "Just eat your food." And he walked away, not even looking at the plate.

Lokis hissed. Dammit Thor! Look at the stupid plate! URGH! Fine, I'll figure something else! Urgh. Loki returned to the plate just to eat. It would settle his stomach if not his discontent.

He would figure something out... Somehow.

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