Step forward

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Writing a message seemed like the obvious thing to do, but it turned out that was much easier said than done! Loki tried, but all of his attempts were somehow foiled! Whether is was that Thor wouldn't even bother to look, or someone would step on his handy work or clean it up, his every effort was for naught!

Loki had pushed down a whole bag of flour on the floor so he could write in the flour, then Korg came and swept it all up! Stupid Kronan!

Loki had run outside and brought in twigs to lay in order, and Thor stepped on them breaking all the twigs!

Loki had tried to start scratching runes on the table, but his claws were currently too tiny and weak to be effective. He'd been forced to stop when Korg came running after him with a spray bottle telling him he was a bad kitty. Loki had seethed at that. He was trying to save them all, and their consistent refusal to just listen was oh-so-familiar, and just as frustrating now as it had been in all his centuries of dealing with Thor and his previous band of idiots.

What is it with Thor's tendency to attract the stupidest followers? And why did I ALWAYS try to protect them from their own stupidity? Norns!

He had jumped at Korg to bite the Kronan's arm in retaliation... Only too late did Loki remember that Kronans were literately made of stone and he ended up screaming in pain as he fell to the floor.

"You okay Kitty?" Sounded the soft voice.

Loki hissed, then licked his fangs and realized... His left fang was broken, and looking down the tip was on the floor. HIS TOOTH WAS BROKEN! Urgh! It was just a baby tooth, cats also got new teeth when they were some months old but still! You broke my tooth Korg!

"Oh no, I broke your tooth. Sorry man." Korg spoke.

THAT'S WHAT I JUST.... Never mind... Loki groaned as he stumbled away to nurse his broken tooth and think of something else.

It was now a bit over two months ago since he had been sent back, ten months remained to get Thor ready to face the past.

Whatever the heck that meant.

As he nursed his tooth, Loki brooded on the unfairness of it all, and began to consider other options. Okay, writing was off the table - at least for now. What about Loki's magic? He knew he had magic, he could sense it. But... It was very weak. He supposed such a small body could only contain a small amount of magic. Sadly. It was so limiting. What could he do with it though? Limited was not the same as non-existent; he could surely do... something. Could he find a way to communicate? Loki closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on that energy inside of him.

Come on... Come on... Just a little spark.

Nothing... Absolutely nothing.

Loki hissed. Come on... come on.. Wait... waaaaait. There's something there, waait.

The door opened loudly and a Valkyrie's voice filled the room. "HEY THOR!"

Loki nearly fell off the counter as the dark skinned woman marched inside. "Ragnar!" she cheered at the sight of Loki. "Who's a good kitty? Who's a good kitty?!" she asked, scratching Loki behind the ear.

Loki sighed deeply. At least someone was in a better mood these days, it was something about Thor actually doing better.

So Thor had started actually showering and had cut off that god awful beard. Joyous day, can we move on? It's not that special. He still has to go outside of the stupid house one more time.

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