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Thor was having the nicest sleep he could ever remember having. His body felt warm and heavy, in a really nice way. His mind was blissfully empty. There was just his soft bed with a soft pillow and a nice warm blanket.

He was so much at peace that a familiar soft voice speaking didn't even cause ripples in the hazy space he was drifting through.


Thor sighed deeply.

"Thooor." That voice, he felt so glad and content hearing it. It was so familiar, like a childhood memory that made him feel comfortable and safe.

And then all that peaceful contentment was torn away by a scream, right into his ear.


"Argh!" Thor jumped in shock and fell to the floor in a thud, heart racing as he found himself looking wide-eyed at a young man standing above him wearing only a green wizard's robe and nothing more.

"Lo-Loki." he gasped.

"Chop chop!" Loki clasped his hands. "There are only four months until whatever the hell is going to go down actually goes down! You are still not anywhere near your prime and I got other stuff to do! Get up." He kicked Thor in his side.

Thor groaned deeply as his recent memories pieced themselves together. "Loki why?" he asked.

"Because Thor, I've been stuck as a cat the last eight months and I've got a lot of penned up frustrations." Loki replied. "Get dressed. Work won't do itself." he stated as he turned around and walked out.

Thor groaned again, but dutifully did as he was told, getting up and dressed as he walked out into the living room and saw Loki in his cat form sitting at the counter looking expectantly at him.

Out of habit, Thor went to the fridge to look for fresh meat for Ragnar's breakfast. He halted halfway through opening the door and turned to Loki. "I am not going to feed you anymore." he stated. "You can turn yourself into an Aesir, you can get your own food." Instead of meat, he reached for the yogurt for his own breakfast. After finding a bowl and mixing some yogurt with chopped fruit he glanced at Loki. "You still can't do it for anymore than a couple of minutes?" he asked.

Loki's hiss was answer enough.

"Do you think you'll be able to do it for longer eventually?"

At that Loki was silent, then he sniffed raising his head.

"You don't know. Huh." Thor commented and Loki glared at him. "There has to be a way though right?" he asked. "I mean, with the amulet you at least managed the shapeshifting. What if we found... An even better amulet?" he asked.

Loki's eave him a deadpan look, one ear twitching.

"I'm just saying." Thor pouted. "Wow, now I think about it, you really must hate this. You were always so proud of your magic and that you didn't have to use focal objects like others." he reflected. "Except for when you used that scepter during New York. That was weird. You usually hate relying on outside sources of magic like that."

Loki... Did not look amused, he looked like he wanted to kill something. Very badly, and probably very messily.

"Loki?" Thor asked.

Loki jumped down from the counter, walked to his robe now on the floor and crawled under it, next second the god was back. "Okay, Thor! Here's a few rules for you! Do not mention New York! Do not mention that stupid scepter! And by the All Father, do not patronize me right now, okay?" he asked.

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