Naked truth

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Thor was in quite a state, His mind was all in a whirl and he had yet to let go of Loki. And it also seemed like he hadn't really taken any notice of the room he was now in.

"This... Is Loki." Thor gasped. "Ragnar is Loki.. .Actually Loki! I mean I.. I had speculated that some of Loki's spirit was in Ragnar, but I also thought I had made that up! Or he would be Loki's agent or something, not actually Loki." he rambled. "YOU'RE LOKI!" he held up Loki in front of him.

Loki just looked sullenly back at Thor.

"Wait a minute." Thor gasped. "Then that means, all those things... THOSE WERE CONSCIOUS CHOICES!" he shouted. "You, you tore up my shirt! ON PURPOSE!"

That shirt was filthy Thor! I did you a favor that you didn't have to wear it one more time.

"And the beers and the bloody nachos! You punished me for opening a bag of nachos! It was all on purpose! All this time." Thor gasped. "All this time you were..." then his eyes turned to anger. "LOKI!" he shouted lowering his hands holding Loki. "You were there the entire time! Why didn't you say anything! This is just typically you! You always do this!" he exclaimed in an angry voice.

Then Thor's eyes turned wet, he sniffed and he hugged Loki tight. "You're heeeeeere!" he bawled.

Loki made himself stay limp, allowing Thor to do whatever he wanted. There was no point in even trying to get anything through his brother's thick skull - especailly when he wasn't listening. He just wanted this over with.

"No wait, I am just making this up aren't I?" Thor asked. "I have lost it, you can't be Loki! WONG!"

"No, he is Loki." Wong informed. "I saw it to."

"BY THE ALL FATHER!" Thor shouted in shock. "Why didn't you say anything?!" he asked in an anguished cry.

Loki groaned as he finally had the chance to wriggle out of Thor's hands. He landed heavily on the floor as Thor grabbed his head.

"This can't be happening!" Thor gasped as he wide-eyed looked in front of himself. "Why is this happening! I mean I am happy, I think... But why Loki! Why didn't you just tell me!"

"I TRIED!" A familiar sophisticated voice sounded. "I left messages all around the place but but you didn't see them!"

Thor turned to the couch then his eyes widened by the sight that met him.

"What?" Loki asked now sitting on the couch.

"Lo-Loki." Thors face grew deep red. "Is there a reason that. Ahem." he coughed into his hand. "That you're not wearing any clothes?"

Because yes indeed, Loki was very nonchalantly leaning back on the couch, and he was very... very naked. The only thing he was wearing was that amulet.

Loki pouted. "I recently learned that conjuring clothes is a waste of my very limited magic right now." he simply stated.

Wong cleared his throat, then summoned a green robe into his hands and handed it to Loki.

Loki sighed as he accepted the piece of clothes and threw it on.

"You can keep that." Wong informed in a deadpan tone. "I insist."

Loki smirked amused.

"Okay! Loki! You need to explain to me!" Thor begged. "I don't know what is going on! You... You died. And you said it was for real and... Born? As in.."

"Yes as in literally born!" Loki informed. "I also now got FOUR new sisters and brothers who are indeed cats." he sat back as he groaned deeply.

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