Winter Solstice

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Loki sighed deeply. He could not help but notice the irony. He had spend so many years of his life resenting Thor, legitimately believing that Thor was selfish and only thought about himself. Granted, he'd had reasons to think so, but now Loki really had to eat his own words. Over and over.

The look in Thor's eyes was so hopeless as he was down on his knees talking to a red haired boy. "Wouldn't a dagger be neat?" he hopelessly tried. "With a golden handle and protective runes?"

Brygul, the boy with red hair looked at Thor, his eyes desperate and slightly wet. "How do you make an acorn into a tree in just a minute?" he asked. "They did it all the time at Asgard!"

"I know I..." Thor halted.

"Wouldn't it be good if I knew how to close a wound with magic?" Brygul asked. "Or make a small flame?"

"That would be amazing!" Thor stated. "I would love to see it!"

"Then why won't anyone teach me?!" Brygul asked.

The look on Thor's face told the entire story: there was nothing Thor wanted more in the world than to give Brygul what he wanted. If he hadn't been just as frustrated as the child, Loki would have been utterly smug at Thor finally having it rubbed in his face that magic was more than just the 'tricks' he'd always accused Loki of. But he just couldn't. Not now.

"You said to me I should tell what I wanted the most, in the whole world!" Brygul exclaimed.

"I know, I know!" Thor assured. "And it's not that..." he sighed. "Isn't there, anything else?"

" No ." Brygul informed, impressing even Loki just slightly with his stubbornness.

Thor closed his eyes. "Okay. I'll see what can be done. It's just." he looked up. "What is the thing you want second most?" he asked.

Brygul looked really annoyed by that, Loki did not blame him. It was very obvious what Thor tried to do here.

Thor tried, tried to give Brygul an encouraging smile, but it was very forced... Very awkward.

"A dagger would be neat... I suppose." Brygul looked down.

Thor's eyes were so pained, he really looked like an overgrown puppy dog. Why did Loki feel so bad for him? Thor had wasted the centuries of opportunity he'd had to learn even the most basic tenets of magic. And yet, instead of vindication, Loki felt only pity for Thor.

"Okay." Thor sighed deeply as he stood up. "Right, thanks Brygul." he put a hand on the childs head slightly ruffling up his red hair, but ones again the whole thing was so awkward and finally Brygul moved on as Thor sighed.

Just then his phone rang and Thor picked up, the face of Tony appearing. "Oh, hello Tony."

Tony frowned. "Thor, I got a bone to pick with you."

"Oh." Thor blinked. "Did... Did I spend to much. I'm sorry if it was excessive I just."

"Not at all, in fact you spend way less than I thought you would. That's not the issue." Tony stated. "The items though, the hell? 500 kilo of iron. 300 kilo of purified steel. Fifty beams of solid ebony wood. Yards of cloth.... Bars of silver?!" he looked up. "The hell is this?"

Thor looked confused. "How else are we supposed to make swords, daggers, dresses, bows and all of that?" he asked.

"That's what you're giving the kids?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Thor replied still as confused.

"What the hell happened to tablets, playstations and video games huh?" Tony asked.

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