Something worth dying for

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What followed was the oddest game of tag ever played. The Avengers (and friends) ducked and dodged enemies and obstacles, threw the Infinity Gauntlet at each other trying to keep it away from any of Thanos' warriors (and, of course, Thanos himself) while they yelled who was supposed to take each stone and tried to get it there. It was tiresome, as only the true owners could even touch the stones without getting really hurt, the rest of them could only touch the gauntlet.

Rogers was running with the thing under his arm as if he was a football star, throwing it up in the air as the Man of Spiders flipped past, caught it with his webbing and sent it flying onwards towards the space rabbit who handed it to the stupidly named 'Star Lord'. The first owner ripped out his own stone - the Reality Stone - before passing it on to Carol Danvers who flew across the field while Quill now had to keep away from the enemies aiming at him and his stone.

Loki sighed. "I need to get down there." he informed Valkyrie.

"Where should I put you?" she asked.

"No need." Loki shifted so he was now sitting sideways rather than astride the horse, then offered Valkyrie a grin. "You don't know everything about me." he winked and simply slid off the horse, free-falling for a few seconds before changing. His body shrank, feathers formed and soon he was gliding over the battlefield as a raven. He descended as he approached his intended landing point, retaking his Aesir form at a decent height, cutting and kicking new enemies as he landed heavily on the ground holding his two daggers.

Everything was a blur, it was just about keeping the numbers down and an eye out as he waded forward.

"LOKI!" A shout sounded, breaking through the sounds of combat.

Loki dispatched his current opponents and turned to see none other than the Man Who Talks to Ants reaching him with the gauntlet, only one stone left in it. Loki reached out to take the Space Stone, and halted, then he looked up at Scott.

"What?" Scott asked. "Aren't you supposed to take it?"

Loki blinked. "You... Manipulate space."

Scott frowned. "I make things shrink and grow in size."

"YES! You are making items take up more or less space but without altering their mass, that is manipulating space!" Loki exclaimed as he flicked Scott over the head with his finger.

"OW!" Scott shouted. "That hurt!"

"Oh, grow up." Loki snorted.

"HEY! You have the strength of a demi god and just flicked me! I think you broke my nose!" Scott exclaimed as he carefully touched his nose and hissed. "Aaaah."

"You are a space manipulator." Loki growled as he grabbed the gauntlet and pulled out the stone. "Take the damn stone and go hold hands with the rest!" he demanded putting the stone in Scott's hands and then kicked him away.

Scott stumbled then turned back to Loki. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

"What do you think?!" Loki asked, launching a dagger past Scott's head to take out a Chitauri. "Buy you time, obviously! Now GO!" he reached up his hands, preparing a spell.

Scott nodded. "Okay. Just... Take care."

"Sure." Loki rolled his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, did we just have a moment?" Scott asked.

"No." Loki replied.

"We were having a moment." Scott exclaimed.

"WE WERE NOT HAVING A MOMENT!" Loki shouted. "Now get going or I swear to the All Father, I'll kill you right now." he stated, releasing a wave of magic to clear the area immediately around them. "HURRY!" Without waiting for an answer, he turned and ran towards the Titan occupying the middle of the battlefield.

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