An old friend

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Thor sucked in a breath as he was sitting on his couch looking at the device in his hand... A telephone.

And in it, there was coded numbers to get in contact with... Well, his friends on Midgard.

Tony had taught him how to use this thing... Tony.

Thor closed his eyes. He had not seen the man in over four years. Ever since the Thanos fiasco he hadn't dared.

The last time they had seen each other they had been shouting at each other. Tony yelling about Thor being a dumbass for just killing Thanos without thinking, and Thor who was still in deep shock over his own actions, desperately yelling about what else he was supposed to do.

Tony had a point though... Thor had been a fool. If there had been any chance at fixing the snap... Thor had destroyed it that day.

But this wasn't about that. It was about something else, Norns give him strength.

Ragnar was laying so calmly on Thor's lap, that he relaxed enough to allow his hand to glide down the cats back before returning his attention to the phone, and finally... Pressed the button.

It rang. It seemed to be ringing for a long time. Thor sighed. Tony was not going to pick up, why would he? They had stopped being friends a long time ago.

Then suddenly the phone was picked up and Thor's eyes widened as Tony's face appeared on the screen. He too looked surprised.

For a moment the two looked at each other, there was silence.

"Erhm," Tony hesitated. "Thor... Did you... Call me?" he asked.

Thor nodded, "I did."

"Oh." Tony blinked, "Okay."

Again there was quiet.

"Was there a reason you called me?" Tony asked.

Thor sighed deeply. "Tony I..." he halted. "I erhm. I have... A favor to ask"

At once Tony's face was painted with suspicion, his eyes narrowed in mistrust. He looked like he was ready to hang up.

"Just hear me out!" Thor exclaimed. "Please," he added.

"This better be good," Tony stated. "And if this has anything to do with dressing up and do hero business then it's a big no! I don't do that anymore!"

"It's not that!" Thor assured.

"You need money?" Tony asked in a snort. "Take a million, take two! Just leave me alone."

"Tony." Thor sighed. "I don't want you to give me money just to..." he sighed. "It's not for me either."

"So it is money?" Tony stated. "Of course it is, if it isn't special favors it is always money."

"Winter solstice is coming up," Thor explained. "The holiday you call Christmas? Well... We have a lot of children here... Children with no parents left. What remains of Asgard is taking care of them together, but still. I just, I wanted to give them something nice this solstice. Each one of them, one present each. That's all."

Tony blinked. "You... Want to give all the child refuges of your city, most of whom are also orphans, Christmas presents but you lack money?"

Thor nodded. "Yes, that sums it up."

Tony groaned. "Why didn't you just start with that? Now I feel like a fucking asshole."

"Oh." Thor blinked. "I'm sorry."

"Please stop, you are making me feel even worse." Tony groaned. "Of course I'll help out, money is easy for me."

Thor smiled weakly. "Thank you Tony, it is going to mean a lot to the children. They don't have much, but they are really doing their best pulling through."

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