Future of Asgard

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Thor was not really sure what to think.

The last couple days Loki had stayed in his cat form. When Thor had asked, he'd indicated that it was not that he couldn't change, just that he wouldn't. This morning was the first time he'd seen his brother in Aesir form, and Loki had sent him outside for training, had told Thor in a condescending voice that Thor had work to do and had ought to get to it.

That was fair of course! Irritating but fair. Thor used his frustrated energy to just push through a more strenuous training routine than usual.

He had to admit, though, he kind of missed the company of a cat running after him and observing him, encouraging him to do more. And it actually had been Loki all along...

With that thought, Thor couldn't help but smile and he wasn't angry anymore. But why was Loki just staying inside?!

After having trained, Thor decided to check on the village. It had been some time and he was eager to see how well they were all doing.

The kids who had gotten weapons for their Solstice presents were training with them under the guidance of one of the older warriors. Thor paused to watch their drills, pleased to see they were treating their weapons with respect, as was worthy of an Asgardian warrior.

When they had a break, the kids faces lit up at the sight of him. "KING THOR!" they laughed and came running.

Thor roared in laughter as he picked up the gir who reached hom firstl. "You're all doing well I see!" he grinned. "Torkild!" he addressed a boy holding his sword. "Have you practiced those overhand swings like I showed you?"

"Yes my King!" Torkild exclaimed. "Every day, just like you told me to do!"

The other children enthusiastically chimed in with comments about their lessons, all wanting to share their excitement. Thor did his best to respond, listening to their babble and occasionally offering compliments and encouragement.

"Good job! All of you. One day you shall be the warriors defending Asgard!" Thor proclaimed. "The Norns know we need warriors." he sighed deeply.

There were nods all around, and Torkild added "I'll do my best!" Thor smiled and ruffling up his hair just as a certain red head came to join the group.

"BRYGUL!" Thor cheered. "How are you my boy?"

Bryguls face was deep red, he was shuffling his feet.

"Is all well?" Thor asked.

Brygul nodded. "I just... erhm. King Thor, may I... Show you something?" he asked.

Thor smiled kindly and nodded. "Any time." he assured.

"I know it's not very good nor impressive but I, um, I..." Brygul sucked in a deep breath, he started to move his hands, his feet moved in a specific pattern. Thor's eyes widened as from Bryguls hands came... a creature of golden mist. Though it was transparent, and the shape wavered a bit before it stabilized, the bird that took form was beautiful as it was released and flew across the roadway, making the other children laugh and cheer as they chased it.

Only for their fingers to slip through the illusion when they caught up.

Thor was astounded, his eyes watered as the bird vanished. Thor looked down at the boy in wonder.

"I know it's not very good." Brygul muttered, staring at the ground as he dug a toe into the dirt. "I can't make it look like a real bird or even look solid. I can't make it any bigger or last any longer either, but -"

"Are you kidding?" Thor asked, going to one knee to look Brygul in the face. "What you did is amazing! All you had was a single piece of paper and you managed to do that! Do you know how impressive that is?"

"It is?" Brygul asked, hesitantly raising his eyes to meet Thor's.

"Child, I had the finest instructors known in the nine realms - including my own mother, one of the finest Illusionists who ever lived. And even with decades of instruction I never got that far myself." Thor informed him. "You though, you have only been working at it for a month, with no more than whatever you may have gleaned before we were forced to flee and one single piece of paper! That, Brygul, is something else! It is amazing. You have such potential. Don't stop."

Brygul beamed at the praise. "I won't my King, I promise!"

"In fact," Thor added as a thought struck him, "I know someone you should meet. I believe he will be quite impressed that you could do that much with so very little."

"Really?" Brygul asked.

Thor nodded. "Yes, and I am sure he will be happy to help you. Although, it is likely to be a while before you can meet him. But I promise I will introduce you, just keep up the good work."

"Okay." Brygul smiled. "I will!"

Thor smiled warmly, ruffling up his hair as well. It gave him joy to see the future of Asgard in these children, and even greater incentive to fix things if he could.

When Thor returned to his house he was honestly exhausted, and was looking forward to a rest. The moment Thor got a look at the couch table he halted.

On the table was Loki - as a cat, passed out. And all around him were papers... papers upon papers, a veritable blizzard of papers. All were filled with writings in Loki's elegant hand. Thor picked one up to see formulas, diagrams... how to close a wound with magic... and so much more.

Thor sucked in a deep breath. So this is what Loki had been doing! Thor immediately felt bad for being annoyed at Loki for not joining him in training. Recording this knowledge was, indeed, very important work, and Loki had clearly been hoarding his energy for this endeavor. They had lost it all once, and his brother was doing everything in his power to ensure it would not stay lost.

With a fond smile for his cat-brother, Thor went to the storage closet to get a folder, complete with plastic sleeves, and carefully put each paper into its own sleeve so they would not be damaged should anyone accidentally spill anything on the precious pages. That done, he picked up Loki, who didn't react at all... He really was dead to the world, having overspent his magic (obviously). Thor laid him gently down on the pillow he had been using the entire time, just in front of the fireplace. Then put the folder next to Loki where he could find it when he woke up.

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