Thors plan

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"You have to be the most spoiled cat in the known universe." Valkyrie commented looking at the black cat in front of her.

First of Valkyrie, I am no mere cat. I am a prince and a god! I am really doing you all a favor by allowing myself to sink this low. was Loki's mental reply as he was laying on a genuine silk pillow right in front of a roaring fire place and not very far away from him was a plate with fresh prime rib he couldn't be bothered to finish.

Outside the cozy house, snow was falling and covered the ground in a thick layer. It had been six months since Loki had been returned to earth, which meant half their time was up.

Loki was now more of a young cat than a kitten, thank the Norns, no more pockets or similar for him.

Thor had definitely lost weight, there was still some tub, but it really wasn't that obvious. You really had to hand it to Thor, he had always been incredibly stubborn. When he had set his mind upon something, he would always do it, no matter how foolish the errand was and how many times Loki told him he would hurt himself.

So many times... So many times Loki had warned Thor he would hurt himself, but Thor hadn't listened then what had happened?! He would get hurt.

But he would also laugh it off.

That Thor was no longer here. The current Thor was still rather timid and didn't like attention, but a familiar light had slowly returned to his eyes. Not always, not every single day. But often enough. Slowly, he started to get more involved with the business of New Asgard, and that more than anything seemed to help him. Loki couldn't hope for the reckless, brash Thor of their youth to return, but he did hope for the confident, optimistic Thor to find his way back.

It was something Loki hadn't really thought about before, but he now realized... Thor had a need to be useful.

He had been the same when they were young. He always needed to be a part of something, to help or lead a group towards a goal. If he didn't have a goal he would get frustrated and restless. Reckless.

Or.. In this most recent case, hopeless. Thor had a need... to be of use, to be needed . Leaving him alone in a hut had probably been the worst thing Valkyrie could have done for him.

Not that Loki blamed her or anything. Thor had shut himself away, not anyone else. Thankfully though, Thor had now found his goal, the place he was needed. It was right here.

He needed to be strong so he could protect what remained of his people.

Sometime he would still break down and cry, ask why he even bothered to train. He hadn't been strong enough the other times after all, why should this be any different?!

At those times, Loki would stand right in front of him, give him that stern look and scold him - not that his words were understood. Still, even as Thor sobbed, he would actually pick himself up and continue. "No." Thor would hiss. "I must... I have to... They need me."

You've got no idea Thor... If what Hela says is true, we got one shot. Just the one! To save the other half.

I wish I could help more... Be a part of it.

Loki sighed deeply. Part him started to speculate if maybe it was for the better that Thor never managed to figure out who he was. If this body was a true Midgardian cat how many years would he have? Twenty at most before Thor would be forced to say goodbye again. Perhaps his magic could keep him alive for longer, but that was a big perhaps. Would Thor be able to go through that? Again?

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