New Friends

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Skyler, Alex, Stiles, and I were all at Skyler's house for a meeting.  We played Street Fighter for hours and then I pulled out Catan.
" Ooh Felix what's that ? " said Stiles
" It's a board game where you collect enough wealth to become King of Catan " I reply
Stiles picks up the instruction sheet and for almost 45 minutes he tries to make sense of the rules.
I try to explain but am then cut off .
" How about we just watch a YouTube video  about it ? " Alex  asks
Skyler puts on the video and I set up the board . We finally play the game and I win because I'm the only one that has experience with the game.
" Hey Felix you know you need to take that  to your mom to sign for you so you can get what you need right ? " Stiles asks
" Yeah I know " I reply felling disappointed
" Good night everyone.  I've got shit to do and can't do that surrounded by loud gamers all night " Skyler says
We all wave goodbye .
" I'll drive everyone home if they need it . Anyone need a ride ? " Stiles asks
" No I'm good I called an Uber " Alex replies
" Sure I could use one " I say
I side right next to Stiles in the front of the car . Stiles asks for my address so that I can get home.
" let me put on the radio . I hate silent car rides .  " Stiles says
Immeadiately this Latin pop song plays on max volume practically vibrating the fucking car at like 8:30 at night.  Stiles is just tapping his fingers mostly thumbs on the wheel while driving . I doze off out the window . Being alone with my thoughts and music with music as long as I'm inside a moving vehicle even a motorcycle is fine by me. I look at the glistening lights outside the car window and am immediately taken aback by the visuals. 
" shit we just passed my house . Well apartment building " Stiles says
" No way that's like two blocks from my place . Similar style apartment complex.  " I say
" Is this the place ? " Stiles asks
" Yes please " I say
I wave bye to Stiles and  step out of his car .
" thanks Stiles good night " I say
He drives away . I walk over to Victors for dinner . Just Isabel is there with Armando gone .
" Seems like there is more room at the table tonight " I joke
Isabel doenst take kindly to that and gives me a stink eye . Pilar proceeds to the me a piece of lasagna . I can tell Isabel is pissed because she doenst even care to say grace before a meal not that I care I'm not even religious. We just eat in silence .
" So how about that airline food " Victor and I say
" We're not in the mood Victor " Pilar yells
I finish the lasagna
" Thank you Mrs. Salazar for the food " I say
I leave to go home. My mom passed out .
" Mom, mom, MOM ! " I yell as I pick up a magazine and smack her with it
" Felix ? " She replies dazed and unbothered by my obvious anger
" Can you sign this ? It's a form to meet with a teacher for special education reasons and shit . " I say
" I guess I can but it's not really tht big of a deal. You'll survive just fine without it . " She says
She drifts back off to sleep. Not caring even the slightest bit .
I leave without hesitation . I head over to Stiles' place.
@felixloveslegos to @stilesstilicreekwood : Can I come over and sleep there tonight ?
@stilesstilicreekwood to @felixloveslegos : Of course I'll buzz you in. I'm apartment number 77
Buzzz the door to th complex swings wide open I run up to apartment 77 I almost drop my duffel bag full Of stuff .
" Sorry there ... Mr. Salazar ? " I say As I look up and see Armando
" Felix ? What are you doing here ? " He asks
" could ask you the same " I reply and cross my arms
" Um Isabel and I are um in a rough patch and well Victor is not helping " He says
" I hear you my mom pissed me off by not caring. Victors too busy with Benji  to care " I say
" I'm in apartment 56 if you need anything " He says
I run up to apartment 77 which is on the fourth floor and knock.
" The doors open Felix " Stiles says
" thanks " I say
He looks at me . My sunken face obvious to him.
" Um you can sleep here I'll sleep on the couch " Stiles  says
" No its fine we can sleep together here I won't die " I say
Stiles lays down and I lay with my phone and a book. 
" What brings you here ? " Stiles asks
" my mom she stopped caring.  I asked her to sign the form she wouldn't.  She says I don't need it " I say
" Hey don't feel bad my mom too. When I was younger my mom would always go through these delusional states where she would be violent towards me. Apathy would be a dream. It was horrible usually a teddy would sleep here next to me to calm me down . Glad you're here. " Stiles replies
" Thanks Stiles but what do I do ? " I ask
" there are people you can ask resources you find if you're willing to look " he says
I wrap my arms around him . As we drift off to sleep. We take a while to fall asleep. I wake up the next morning Getting ready.  Before class starts I go to the office of Ms. K
" Hey Ms. K my mom isn't being compliant it hard for her to leave the house and to do whats needs to be done. What else can I do " I ask
" We can do a video call or possible send in a team or if you find another viable guardian it can work " Ms. K says
" Ok I'll see if I can find any other guardians " I say
I leave the office I going to class like normal . Lunchtime comes around and instead of sitting with Victor , Lake,Benji and the others I sit with Skyler and her friends .
" Hey Felix what's up " Stiles asks
" I just felt like sitting here . Apparently I have to find another viable guardian or get something  to work with my mom " I say
" I understand it was hard to get my parents on board too they'll come around show them how much it means to you " Alex says
Every day over the next two weeks I sit with Skyler, Alex, And Stiles . They get me and don't think my enthusiasm is annoying or dorky . They understand and don't judge . They get me in ways I have felt seen. Spent my whole life feeling different now I have them. I've also been sleeping over more at Stiles' house.
Lake : we never hang out anymore you've been acting strange . I want to see you
Felix : I do care Lake . Maybe too much . I promise I'll try .
Lake : Be my date to the biggest party of the year it's  hosted at the house of this really rich girl named Jess Braxton.  Also I stopped editing Creek Secrets . I realized drama hurts .
Felix : of course. 

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