A New Beginning

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This part deals with the aftermath of male sexual assault. There will be sexism,homophobia, and trauma related discussions please proceed at your own risk

Felix's POV

It's Monday. A new beginning of sorts . I'm about to make the biggest decisions I've made so far.
" What's the matter Felix? " Stiles asks
" Yeah what's the matter? " Victor also asks
" I'm going to report what happened at Jess's party. The thing with Rachel. " I say
" Want me to go with you? " They both ask
" Just Stiles " I say
" Ok its cool" Victor says stepping back
We walk to Ms. K's room . Once we arrive at room 316 there's a knot in my stomach.
" Want me to go in with you?" Stiles asks
" No I should probably go in by myself." I say
" I can be a witness" Stiles says
I knock on the door.
" Come in" She says
" Hey Felix whats up" She says
" I have a report to make " I say fidgeting my hands and shaking my leg as I sit down .
" Ok what is it " She asks
" There's some images on the Creekwood High School Tumblr and a video of Rachel Hilson forcibly undressing me at a party held by Jess Braxton who posted the information of Creek Secrets. This is not only against school rules but violates child p*rn*gr*phy laws since Im underage and the content is sexually suggestive. " I says a
Swallowing a whole lump. Or well I say half of it. What I really say is
" Theres a video of me on Creek Secrets and um. Um um " Followed by heaving breathing .
" Felix , what happened in that video? " She asks
All of sudden I relive every second . My body mimics the fatigue as my muscles feel like they lose all mass and my mouth hangs open because my jaw doesn't have the strength to clench . I blink fast setting myself back to reality
" Things that would break laws relating to lewd content of minors. " I say
" Were you in those videos amd photos?" She asks
" Yes " I say
She sees Im visibly upset and does not require me to say anymore.
" You said its on the Creek Secret Tumblr right? An account related to the school . " She asks
I nod my head yes.
" Is there any witnesses who can speak on your behalf ?"
" Yeah , um Stiles, Lake, Andrew, Mia,Victor,Skyler,and Alex" I say in a whisper.
" Alright that means I can go to Ms. Albright ." Ms. K says
" Also Felix. If I don't see your mother about the whole Special Education conference I could charge her with neglect? You know that right? " She says
" Yeah "
I go to class. Just sitting there for what feels like forever I can't hear a thing in the real world. But I feel like Im screaming.
" Can Rachel Hilson, Jess Braxton, Lake Meriwether, Mieczyslaw Stilinski, Mia Brooks, Victor Salazar, Andrew Spencer, Alexandria Ruiz, and Skyler Eden Abraham please report to Vice Principal Albrights office immeadiately. " I feel my stomach drop like I had just been on a roller coaster.
By the time the class ends. VP Albright calls a school meeting in the auditorium and Jess and Rachel are both in handcuffs. I don't see any of my friends . I get a message from Stiles
@stilesstilicreekwood to @felixloveslegos : We're going to be in the principals office for a while.
" Hello sophomore class of Creekwood. We've been made aware of disturbing content being posted through Creek Secrets . " Ms. Albright said
The students were still talking
" Everybody shut the fuck up" Cyrus yelled
" Um thank you Cyrus but that wasn't necessary . " Ms Albright says " We've been made aware of that people have been using a Tumblr associated with our school to create, distribute , and possibly profit off of illegal content. Since this is connected to our school I as Vice Principal have every right to punish you all. Some of you are indeed going to jail. In fact we have a lawyer here to discuss the laws regarding child p*rn*gr*phy"
" Child p*rn*gr*phy is any photos,videos,or images, or audio files of anyone under the age of 18 meant to be viewed or consumed in a sexual context or for sexual gratification. Child p*rn*gr*phy does not require the person be fully nude just the purpose of the photo be for sexual reasons. Child p*rn*gr*phy is illegal to make, consume, distribute, or have in your possession for any reason. Those found of such offenses cam face a lifetime on the sex offender registry and sometimes up to 20-25 years in jail. " says officer Thomas
" Your classmates Jess Braxton and Rachel Hilson have been arrested on these charges . I want you to know all of our staff from the educators and deans to the custodian services have contacted Tumblr personally amd threatened them with legal action as well as requiring all your teachers to contact your parents to see if you have distributed such material. If you or your parents fail to comply we cam contact your Internet Service Provider personally and have your device confiscated with threats of expulsion. " Ms. Albright continues
" This isn't fair . The juniors, freshman , and seniors took part in this too"
" I know amd I will address them as well. And you should have thought about that before you partook in a federal crime. " Ms . Albright retorts " class dismissed"
I felt ill realizing sooner or later that people will blame me for what happened . I threw up violently all over the seats on the auditorium. With all the energy I had to get away I clutched the door of the auditorium enabling me to stand up. I sat in the nurses office. Since I was in high school they let ypur personally call an emergency contact. They trusted us with that much. Of course I called Fezco.
" Hey Fez can you pick me up from school. I feel sick as a dog. " I say
" Of course I'll just say you're my little brother " He replies
Fez finally gets here .
" ID please ."
He shows them his ID and gets a visitors pass .
He walks into the nurses office.
" Im Ashton Delgado. Here for Felix Westen. Im his older cousin. " He says.
" Alright you can take him. " The nurse says
" Thanks also can I get a blue card. My cuz needs to update his emergency contact information. " He says to them
" Lets go Felix . Get in the car. " Fez says practically throwing me into the car. A drift off and zone out to the thoughts in my head mixed with the music and the motion of the car as well as the outside view.

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