The Party That Fucked Us All Up

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Lake's POV
Felix has been interacting with me significantly more ever since I started sitting with his other friends. I've been posting Instagram stories of Felix and I eating ice cream . Him and  Stiles hang out together a lot too.  It the best hostess here has to be Skyler. She's always making sure we enjoy ourselves playing video games with us . The amount of times I've caught Felix sleeping on my lap is too many honestly.
" Hey Lake want to come to the meeting of the student advocates of Creekwood ? Felix and the rest of us will be there. It's this Friday after school " Skyler asks
" Sure , we'll all have a great time " I say
The upcoming Friday Felix and I assemble right before Mr. Griffin and Ms. K room 316 is packed with students .
" There is going to be a club fair Monday and we want you all to make posters represent the Student Advocates of Creekwood " Ms K says
I team up with Felix and Stiles obviously .
" Hey Sky , Alex wanna work with us ? " I shout
" We almost finished our poster we're kind of the leaders of this program " Alex replies
Felix starts making outlines . He Immeadiately starts typing on the  school laptop the title in size 48 font which looks humongous.
" No what aspect should we focus on ? " Stiles asks
" Ooh I know we can talk about the new ideas of the Student Org like ... " I say
" The GSA they are trying to start or the new homework AI the comp sci kids are working on or the stopping the slander on Creek Secrets  " Felix replies
" We really should put a stop to Creek Secrets . The thing is I wasn't the only one I knew who wrote on there . One of my closest friends outed this one student as trans . It's Jess Braxton.  The one hosting the party.  The thing is I feel like there is something I could've done to stop it I just wish I could go back. " I say
I see Skyler turn her at me looking scowly but I think nothing of it
" Hey Stiles why don't you invite Alex and Skyler to Jess Braxton's party tomorrow " Felix asks
" Um I don't think she is the kind of person that would want a bunch of special ed kids at her party. Since you mention she edited Creek Secrets you do realize we had to work our own section of it go keep from getting harassed right ? " Stiles says
" one you re with me two what are they gonna do call the cops and risk getting busted for underage drinking, public sex , and all the other illegal shit that happens at high school parties ? " I say
" fine I'll go ask Sky " He says as he walks off to speak to Skyler
I start edit a document and print them out at the library to make a poster.  I bring them back to Felix .
" thanks Lake I'll glue them on " He replies
" Alright it looks like we're all done . Sky and Alex are coming with us to the lkarty tomorrow as well as the pizzeria were going to after we leave " Stiles says ecstatic
Right before we leave Ms K walks up to us
" Hey Felix pleasure seeing you again . Did you speak to your mom . And this is ? " Ms K says pointing to me
" I'm Lake his girlfriend " I say
" Yeah I'm working on it with my mom " I say
We leave 
" How do you know Ms K " I ask
" nothing just had to go to this meeting for  special education students no big deal " He replies
" Why didn't you tell me this before ?" I ask
" It's no big deal " He says
" You leave telling people things about you it just doesn't seem like you . " I say
" Yeah well that got annoying after a while and I'm trying not to annoybthe crap out of everyone " He replies snarkily
" Ok ok it's fine " I say
We all dig into this amazing Hawaiin pizza within minutes devouring it . Felix lays in my shoulder Skyler tells her usually funny anecdote.  We leave and don't see each other again until the party.
Come Saturday Stiles drives to my house to take me to party and Felix opens the door for me.
" Thank you sir " I say
Felix is already drinking but the party  atmosphere makes him loud and hyperactive . As opposed to his more mellowed out drinking during school days . He thinks I don't know that thermocup isn't filled with water. Stiles can't stand silent car rides so he turn up the volume on maximum and insists in playing " I like It" by Cardi B and Alex Immeadiately starts singing along in Spanish and her spirit is borderline infectious because Stiles and Felix stay dancing along with her. By the time we pull up to the party . Felix yells
" we're here "
He starts drinking like a madman and dances with me . He feels the music intensely . Stiles is jumping around happy. Even I join in. We are all having the time of our lives dancing around . Andrew joins in and Mia we all seem to be having so much fun. Felix is drinking non stop . Skyler keeps giving me the stink eye all night.   But Felix's having fun and telling me funny stories to make me feel better. Alex and Skyler play beer pong .
" I've got to go get some snacks " Felix says as he puts his drink down
Felix comes back with sour patch kids and some worms . Him and Felix put them over their eyes and Mia and I follow suit . Felix picks his drink back up.
" I really don't think you should be doing that . " I say
" It's no big deal " He says
Mia, Andrew,  Stiles, and I all cringe . Felix holds his stomach clearly running off to the bathroom
" I'll be right back "he says
" I'll show him the way to the bathroom  " Rachel says
We here a loud trumpet noise and it's Jess Braxton .
" Lets all raise our glasses to the Creekwood High School Grizzlies for being so close  to a city wide championship thanks to our star players Victor Salazar and Andrew Spencer " She says
We all clap and Victor and Andrew get up hug . Victor kisses Benji and Andrew kisses Mia in front of the crowd.
" I'm going to go check up on Felix " I says
(Up coming content warning for sexual assault and drug usage please proceed at your own risk )
I look to see he's not in the bathroom or any of the bathrooms for that matter and he's clearly not in the living  room or attic  or basement meaning he's in one of the bedrooms. I call Stiles
" Stiles I need you to get Skyler a and the others to help me find Felix I'm on the third floor of the house  . Come with me " I say.
A few minutes later Stiles is right behind me. I finally find the bedroom Felix is in as I open  the door slowly as to not disturb anyone . Felix is on the bed passed out drunk . He's with that Rachel girl . He's asleep or passed out. Hees stripped down to his underwear and socks completely unaware of what's happening . We barge in
" What the fuck is going on here ? " I SCREAM
Mia and Andrew hear me as well as Victor and Benji as they rush up the stairs to find me.
" What's going on here ? " Mia asks
" she's trying to fuck Felix while he's unconscious and drunk off his was " I say
Andrew goes to find a bottle of pills open next to Felix drink. 
" You put this in here ? "  He asks
" No he took it on his own I just didn't tell him what it is . " She says
" What the fuck ? " Stiles shouts as hes holding her away from Felix .
" I wasnt going to do anything just wanted to see if the Lone Stone rumors were true plus I'd maybe kiss him at most. Or just slap his ass " Rachel replies
" Well you arent supposed to do that either " I say .
" come on let's call Skyler and Alex and let's get Felix to the hospital " Andrew says
We carry him out of the room clothing him before we go.  We take the pill bottle to show to the doctors .
We all get into our cars going in the direction of the hospital . Felix and I in Andrews car along with Mia . Stiles , Sky, Alex , Victor , and Benji in the other. We all rush driv ing 60 miles an hour in a 35 mph zone to make it in time.

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