The Hospital

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Lake's POV
We make it to the hospital in time . We end up explaining to the doctors that Felix had a lot of alcohol mixed with what turned out to be mixes of Advil, Vitamin C, and even worse DMT.  I know that DMT can be fine being taken with precaution but not fine if you're already drunk and in a scary situation with no idea what's happening being taken at a high school party.
"Felix had given charcoal to expel the drugs from his system. He ends up having minimal alcohol poisoning and is vomiting profusely but the doctors say He should be fine " I  say to the group
" Well now that I know that Felix is ok I'm leaving " Skyler says
" But Felix is going to need support and someone to take him home " I reply
" I know but I only came because Felix was hurt and I don't want to be around you and you re friends knowing the people you hang out with " Skyler shouts back rolling her eyes
" Hey what's that supposed  to mean? " Mia asks  sounding offended
" I don't know LAKE could you think of any reason why I might not like you all that much. I'll give you a hint it's because of something you said to Felix during the meeting on Friday. " Skyler says
I think about what I said . I might have a clue what she's talking about
" something nasty on Creek Secrets ? Because I stopped editing the Tumblr . I realized how shitty it was " I ask
" You re close so I might as well , tell you right now  . You knew that your friend Jess Braxton outed me as trans to the whole fucking school ! Then you have the nerve to invite me to a party hosted by that same person . To be shared at . Gawked at. When I walked into school everyday fro the following week I felt the the emperor from The emperor has no clothes . Completely unaware until I checked the Tumblr. And you said yourself you could stopped it but you didn't know how . Also you re kind of a shitty girlfriends " Skyler says
" Skyler,  I'm so sorry I didn't remember who got outed I didn't care to look . I erased it from my memory so tht I could not have to know and I wouldn't participate in the practical witch hunt that happened afterward.  Also how am I shitty "  I ask
" You kept editing Creek Secrets until recently . Knowing the shit that went down.  The fact that you didn't stop until just now . Also Felix is in the hospital for alcohol poisoning  because of you " Skyler is almost in tears shouting
" Because of me ? Victor is his best friend and couldn't be bothered to care that Felix is drunk half the time . He eats dinner with him for crying out loud " I yell
" Hey don't bring me into this I didn't do anything wrong . " Victor shouts almost throwing hands until Benji stops him
" That's the problem you didn't do ANYTHING  . If it was Benji in there you would be done a million things to prevent it because you care more about your boyfriend then you ever did about Felix.  He was never anyone's number one priority until he met us . Why do you think he doenst want to sit with you guys anymore ? Because we make him feel seen. " Alex jumps unexpectedly
" Are you implying  I don't care about other people ? I was there for Felix when Andrew and the others made fun of him at the stoplight party . " Victor Immediately claps back
" I think that all of you are just bitter . Bitter and angsty of us " Andrew says
" Bitter maybe but not the friendship you all share . Let's be honest you all have the most superficial friendships imaginable. It's like something out of a high school teen drama . " Alex says and proceeds to laugh
" And don't think we don't know about Mr. Victor Salazar here. Mr. No voice wimp of the family . The one that bailed on his girlfriend and couldnt  even show up up to the homecoming dance for her.  I'm assuming you were with Benji behind her back. Yes " Alex continues " So what's so special about y'all . Mia do you have anything you want to say "
" Stop picking on my boyfriend he didn't do anything wrong " Benji snaps
" Well well, if it isn't Benji fucking Campbell . Sorry but defending him won't make him fuck you you'll have to try better than that " Alex
Benji is genuinely enraged now and walks away but not without punching the vending machine of the hospital .
" Benji wait " Victor yells running after him
" This isn't a contest about who loves Felix the most.  It's about keeping him safe and the fact that we all have hidden antagonism against each other yet still showed up for Felix means something . " I interrupt
" I think Stiles left to go see Felix  in the hospital room " Mia says
" We can't go see him unless we're family and I don't think they are going to believe we are all Felix's cousins.  Benji went home. Listen . Lake, Stiles, and I will stay and Stiles will take Felix over to stay at his house it's no big deal you all should go home and get some rest . " Victor says 
Everyone else besides Victor, Stiles , and I goes home . We wait for almost 6 hours in a waiting room doing absolutely nothing but playing on our phones . We don't even make eye contact .
" We need an adult that can take Felix home " the nurse says
" I'll call my dad " Victor whispers to us
Mr. Salazar comes through the hospital doors and up to the front desk
" I'm Armando Salazar  here for Felix Westen . Im his other guardian that shows in events where his official parents can't make it . It's known as being a godfather. " He says
" ID please" the front desk lady replies
He shows them his ID and is allowed to take Felix home . We drive home in Stiles car .
" Thank you dad " Victor says
" It's my treat " mr. Salazar says back
" I'm just glad Felix is fine " I breathe a sigh of relief


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