The Aftermath ( Felix)

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Content warning. Sexual content ,substance use

Felix's POV
I try to call someone. Now left alone with my own thoughts I think about what I said. Was it selfish of me? I don't want to think about anyone. About Jess, or Rachel, Lake, or Victor . I call Stiles but he doesn't answer his phone. Apparently all the girls are with Lake. I know Alex isn't. Alex doesn't like her at all.
" Hey Alex its Felix come meet me at Fez's place . " I say
" Of course I'd love to" Alex replies
. I'm running over to Fez's place standing right outside the door. Less than a minute later Alex is there.
" Hey what's up good looking?" She asks
" Nothing much. Want some MDMA ? " I ask
" Of course . " Alex says laughing .
Alex knocks on the door.
" Yo Fez . can we get like 2 onces of MDMA ? " Alex yells
" Alright alright here " Fez says opening the door trying to yell.funny even him yelling sound lazy.
" Here 40. I'll pay you back I swear. " I say
" No you won't " Fez says laughing
" Later Fezzy Bear " I yell
Fez rolls his eyes and we head on our merry way.
" Let's go to the Creek" I says laughing holding Alex's hand
We running on top of hills to the Creek and when we finally get there its like magic . The night is young and full of potential. We take the MDMA pills and within an our I've forgetten everything . I see every color and smell every scent. Its amazing. Nothing feels better than this in the moment.
" Dance with me silly " Alex says yanking me hand.
We spin and twirl without a care in the world . Running barefoot on the grass. Its like that Ed Sheeran song Perfect.
" There's no one else here right now . Guess we can finally do what we want" I say
" And what is that? " Alex asks me
" We smash some shit and then we smash" I say laughing gleefully.
To be honest I love this feeling being collectively high. But the best part pf it with MDMA you can sense the other persons feelings so easily that the awkwardness falls away. I feel sociable bit not my typical annoying needy kind of sociable a laid back Fezco kind of sociable.
" What are you waiting for Westen? Let's go smash some shit. " She says
We take a large tree branch and fucking destroy a tent, a TV, an already broken junk car . Laughing the whole way.
" Now you know what time it is ? " I say
We find another junk car we haven't destroyed. Its insanely oxidized . She's in one seat in the other. I trace my tongue along her thighs and put my tongue inside her. Then she gives me an handjob. Unfortunately the MDMA wears off after a few hours. Which means I pass out. Laying next to her. My phone is ringing
"Shit its Victor . " I say" Hey Victor whats up?"
" Can you come over to family dinner . " Victor asks
" Sure thing . " I reply
" Gotta go Victor needs me " I say
" You gonna be at the beck and call of Victor your whole life " Alex asks
" No . Also lets do this every Monday, Wednesday ,and Saturday night " I say
" Of course Felix " Alex replies
I go to Victor's apartment.
" Hey Victor . Whats up" I ask
" My parents are going ape shit. " Victor replies.
"Lets go see Alex. " I say " We could hang out at her house"
" How about your apartment. My parents don't want me going out this late at night " He says
" You cant. My parents are um fucking" I say awkwardly
" Well thats awkward" Victor replies
" I've been meaning to ask you why did you break up with Lake ?" Victor asks
" She couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Rachel at the party . I just wants who she signed up for I guess." I say lazily
" Hey do you want us to do anything about the whole Creek Secrets thing? " Victor asks
" Yeah I just don't know what to do " I say
" Well the best thing to do is file a police report . The next best thing is to tell that teacher you like. " Victor says
" Lets go to Stiles place. Hes not far from here " I say
We run up the apartment steps and find our way to apartment 77 . I knock on the door. I emter the apartment and Stiles and his dad are playing Monopoly.
" Oh you kids want to join? " Mr. Stilinski ask
" No Um We brought legos" I say
" I'll order pizza " Stiles says flapping his hands
We stay the whole night playing with legos and the childish wonder makes me gleeful for the whole night. Its nice to have someone who cares about things as much as you do even if there trivial. Its nice who be around Stiles.
" Hey Felix" Victor says
" Huh . I mean yeah" I say to hide the fact I zoned out and forgot Victor was there.
" Im going to head home " Victor says
" Goodnight Victor " I say.
Then I fall asleep at Stiles house.
" I'd rather sleep on the couch Stiles.  " I say
" Alright Goodnight Felix " He says to me.
Later at night I wake up to get nyself a snack but I hear Stiles singing " Lost Boy " by Ruth B ad get lost in the sound of his voice.


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