Fezco and Falling Out

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Fez lays me down on the couch as I arrive .
" Go to my grandma's room and stay there! Ashtray will make sure your shut ain't laced with something nasty " Fez yells
I walk to the place where Fez's comatose grandmother is and her eyes are completely shut and the only noises she can make are the mellowed indistinguishable breaths she takes.
" let me inspect the drugs " Ashtray says
He take got a magnifying class and studies . He then pulls out a drug testing kit to make sure it's really MDMA.
" It's MDMA you're good . You ever tried anything similar before ? " Ashtrays asks
" DMT had a terrible experience  with that but to be fair I did take it while some messed up shit was going on" I say
" Like what ? " Ashtray answers
" So basically I was drunk as hell and this girl took me to the bathroom and then basically as I passed out tried to strip me naked and posted that shit around the school " I say
" Damn that must suck ass.   Don't take that whole ounce at once . " Ashtray says
I take half the ounce and take the pill Immeadiately this rush of endorphins hits me.
" damn you a lightweight " Ashtray says
I just what to wander around the room for an hour . I'm spinning out and everything starts to slow. The colors around me blend . It's an hour later but it feels like three.
" um Felix you got somewhere to go?  I assume your folks would be upset if I took you home like this . " Fez  says
" my mom doesn't give a damn frankly about me " I say
" I'll make you something to eat   or better yet I'll drive you . Ashtray get my damn keys ! " Fez said pointing to Ashtray .
We get inside the car and drive to this IHOP rip-off restaurant . It's late at night so no tables are reserved . Fez orders the generic buttermilk pancakes . Ashtray orders the cinnamon toast crunch pancakes.  And I order the pancakes with strawberry syrup and vanilla cream with crepes . I can barely out the fork to my mouth because im still tripping and have  lost some hand eye coordination . I manage to finish the pancakes 15 minutes after Fez and Ashtray finish . We walk out of the restaurant after Fez pays the bill. 
When we get home Fez let's me stay in his bed  while he sleeps on the couch . The next morning Fez wakes me up.
" Come on get up Felix . Get your ass to school " He says throwing a pillow at me
" No I'm not facing those stupid fuckers . " I shout
" What's going on ? " Fez asks
" I was drunk as shit at this one party and this girl decided to strip me down to just my underwear and post the all over the school " I say
" Also my friends are being shitty. Except Alex and Stiles " I say
" just stay here for the rest of the week . Besides it's Wednesday anyway. You'll live if you miss today through Friday.  " He says to me.
" if I see you got a habit of buying from me I'm gonna stop selling to you . Got it ? " He says
I shake my head yes
My whole week is spent with Fez just chilling . The next week when I come into school my formed a won't talk to each other at all. They ar all bitter and babying me like I'm an idiot and I'm basically failing three classes for my junior year.  There's no hope in even passing the SATs at this point. Everytime Lake kisses me or shows me affection she seems scared . I know she remembers that night that she found me .
I walk through the halls only to be whispered about . To be remind of what happened . Annoyed at everything . I can barely make  it through the day without everything being a blur.  I follow Lake home on Friday.  I knock on the door .
" Felix ? " Lake says
" Can I come  in ? " I ask
" Of course you can" she says
  I place my backpack on the floor of right next to the couch .
" So Lake , um I know what happened at the party. I know about what Rachel did and Jess who posted it. Alex told me. I feel like every time you look at me you relive it . Through me I guess.  I know that must be terrible. Plus I haven't  been available at all as a boyfriend or even a friend . What I'm trying to say is ...fuck it I'm breaking up with you " I say
" Are you serious ? " she yells
" well I'm sure as hell not joking. It's going to take time for me to recover properly . If at all. listen Lake I  love you but I'm going to need to at take time to fully get over all the shit that happened " I say
" but Felix " She whispers grabbing my hand and holding me there looking at me with her eyes saying don't go.
" Gooodbye Lake " I say
" You know when I first met you . I remember you were full  of love and you gave you're all to the people you cared for. Always there for Victor and I. And then something happened . And you just became lifeless like a doll. Only alive under the influence of whatever substance you can get your hands on. That's what you are Felix. Just a lifeless doll. With only enough blood running through you to give you an erection . Fuck off Felix . " Lake says she pushes me out the door and slams the door in my face.
Funny how just as she said a lifeless a doll with an erection thats when one appeared.  I know where to go from here . I walk over to Fez's store .
" Yo Fez can I get a cold beer please " I asks
" Sure of course you can " Fez says handing it to me after I give him $7 .
" Fez can I say over tonight? " I ask
" Anytime Felix. " Fez replies
Fez hands me the keys to his house .
" if someone knocks on the door don't answer it . Ok under no circumstances . "  Fez makes clear
" alright Fez " I say.
I fall asleep on his couch after drinking half a beer bottle

For those of you that worried Felix was in trouble . He's not . If you watch Euphoria you'll know that Fezco is a very kind loving drug dealer . The next chapter will focus on his the aftermath of his breakup with Lake from her perspective and Felix falling in love with Fezco and Stiles.

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