Seeing Double Chapter 11

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“Hey, so you’re not mad anymore, Iris?” Jake poked me.

“Mm…” It was the 1000th time he asked me this.

“Wow Jacob, you seriously rock…” Jake commented turning to his brother.

“What can I say… I’m a genius” Jacob said.

I punched him in the arm. “Shut up Genius, I’m trying to do my essay here”

“Ow” Jaocb said rubbing his arm. “You could have done it yesterday…”


Jacob brought me to the carnival. The ferries wheel and everything. I haven’t been to one since, they passed on. I felt happy for a while after such a long time.


“Huh, Yeah?”

“You were spacing out a lot since like today...” Jake said.

I sighed. “I guess I didn’t sleep much”

Yeah I couldn’t sleep all night. I was thinking about this. And I forgot about my essay… What luck… 

“Please return to your class now.”

I frozed. I had only wrote one sentence.

“Iris, that’s one sentence. You’re missing 200 more words.” Jacob said.

“Damn it…” I took my stuff and ran together with the twins back to class.

I’m screwed.


longest break ever! :((( sorry for late chapter! 

thanks for reading!



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