𝗜𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺

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SEMI WAS RIGHT. Tendou did ask you to go for Mcdonalds later in the evening, which you agreed to because you really had no friends here. The chilling breeze what hit off your face as you stepped outside the building indicates you should of wearing something warmer than a denim jacket.

Tendou was in his car, beeping at you to hurry yourself up. The kids screaming around the place with their buckets of candy. You forgot it was Halloween, but it was irreverent detail to you right now, you were hungry and was probably going to order more than just a mcFlurry.

As you got into the car, 'Monster Mash' played in the car as Tendou tilted his head at you. "excuse moi !! Whos the new boyfriend y/n !!!! You didn't hide those marks very well" he laughs as you went a bright pink, gulping. "I uh, yesterday I played 7 minutes of heaven at a  party with the other students." you mischievously lied as he 'tsked' you. "Whatever you do, don't let Semi see them if he serves, he'll tell Ushijima!" as he continued to sing, pulling into the Mcdonalds parking lot.

"Since I asked you to come, I'll pay!" he finds you two a booth as you instantaneously refused,"no! I'll get it! I need to get dinner anyways, what would you like Satori!" you compensated as he leaves out a huff, taking out 10 dollars. "please take it, I'll get chicken tenders and a oreo mcFlurry, please!" he beamed as you nodded, making your way to the till.

Semi at it as he smirks,"So you went ahead with getting food wi- uhm, you didn't hide the uh, you know, well. It's oblivious." Semi stated as you sighed "Tendou think it's from a party don't worry they won't know it's you," as you take out your money, him noticing you're loaded. "You really get fed with the whole gig do you?" as you glared at him. "I would not like to talk about this in the middle of a Mcdonald's. 2 oreo Mcflurries and 2 chicken tender meals. Please." you started as he puts in the order.

"Tough shit doll, you have to wait for the meal at the collection, I can ask away" he smiles as you looked down, sighing. "I'm a big fan you know." he blurted as you shot your head up, your rosy cheeks visible "Ahm, I- thank you I guess? I was kinda embarrassed when you knew but, you got your reward, you don't have to talk to me OR tell Wakatoshi or I swear to god-"

"Why are you ignoring him by the way? He's kinda upset and genuinely worried. He was going to drop off that package if you responded to him, but you didn't." He stated as you left a huff. "I'm too busy for work. I've another private session at 2 a.m".

"Ah, Ha! They're going to see you're destroyed doll," he chucked and you walked away as he took someone else's order as you take the food what was prepared for you and Tendou, walking back as Tendou squints at you. "Did he offend you, y/n ?" he questioned and shook your head. "Nah, it was just about Wakatoshi."

Tendou nodded and was eating his chip, scrolling through his phone as you caught your gaze matching Eitas orbs. He glanced over at you and winked before going to the backroom and rang Satori:

'Are ye staying long? I'm on my break in 10 minutes?" Semi asked in the cubicle and Tendou laughed," We will be here, we will wait!" he smiles and hung up." We have to wait for Semi!" Tendou smiles and you scoffed, Tendou was in awe by your remark."Don't get me wrong, he seems like a lovely guy but he has the kind of douchebag behaviour," as you threw a fry into your mouth, your phone buzzing. You frowned and thought it was another private meeting but to your fortunes, it was not, it was Semi following your Instagram.

Semi arrived ten minutes later and scoots beside you in the booth, knowing it argivated you. "thanks doll!" he smirked and takes a bit of chicken you had leftover as Tendou shook his head and looks at you two. "If I am mistaken, I think you secretly fancy him y/n." as you opened your eyes, nearly choking on your Mcflurry.

Semi eyed you and turned to Tendou, "hm, maybe she does, is she as stubborn as Ushijima tho-"

"Yes." was all Tendou said, you leaving over the table and pinching Tendou's cheek "I would slap you but you're adorable so I guess pinching your little cheeks will make do for the moment."

For the rest of Eita's break you all talked about college, and a little about your brother, which made you realise you hadn't returned his texts or calls in like over a week, which is probably worrying him right now. You brought yourself to ring him as the two lads were confused.

"y/n ! I was worried!! You weren't responding are you okay? Is Semi looking after you? Does Tendou know?" Ushijima talked at a quick pace as you laughed.
"I'm actually here with Tendou right now, he brought me for food, Semi is also here on his break, but brother why didn't you get Tendou to watch over me if you don't trust me, Semi is useless!" you laughed as Semi placed his hand over his heart. "That's not what you said last ni-"

"Put it on speaker!! I need to give out to Waka!!" Tendou whined and just handed him the phone:"knock yourself out!" you laughed but immediately your breath hitched, feeling a hand placed on your leg.

"nawww, little Cindy called me 'useless' huh? I'm gutted. Really offended doll, those marks say otherwise," his warm breathing tingled at the right hand side of your neck as you felt his thumb circle your thigh, you going red in the face and watched Tendou give out to Ushijima.


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I was looking for gifs similar to this in different races and there wasn't any and I feel really bad.

Im not whitewashing the character. It's you. Whoever u are. U are loved. I have now removed the gifs since it was fair to other readers.

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