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The morning of Bianca's birthday, Saturday September 22nd, came quickly after the trip to Hogsmead. She woke late in the morning, surprised she slept through Malfoy getting ready. She dragged herself out of bed to get ready for the day.

After showering she threw on a comfortable outfit (down below babes).

Her hair she just left down, and for makeup she didn't bother with anything besides concealer and mascara

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Her hair she just left down, and for makeup she didn't bother with anything besides concealer and mascara. Breakfast had already started, but she figured everyone would be there since it was a Saturday. Birthdays had never been the biggest thing with her parents before Hogwarts, but her friends always made a bigger deal of it when she got there. 

The great hall was filled with people as she walked in. Lisa waved to her from a table with the other roommates. 

Bianca slid into the seat next to Michael. She took an apple from the platter on the table and took a crunchy bite of the sweet apple.

"Happy birthday! I can't believe you're 18!" Lisa smiled at her.

"Ha! Don't remind me. Less time to torment you, sadly." Bianca laughed back. She looked around and was surprised to see her husband-to-be-by-the-law wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hey uh, where's Draco?" Bianca tried looking nonchalant but failed miserably.

Michael laughed. "Grounds. Said he's taking a walk." Bianca gave one last hug to them before going off the find Malfoy.

Draco stood under a tree by the Black Lake. He was waiting for Bianca. A black velvet box with a green bow was clutched in his pale hand. He spotted the little blonde walking towards him, her pink sweater billowing a bit in the breeze. She waved to him as she came over to stand by him.

"Hey! What're you doing out here? It's kinda cold" she shivered and wrapped herself tighter in her cardigan. Draco shrugged, trying to hide the box from her sight. He failed.

"Hey, what's that? You aren't trying to propose already? I mean we barely know each other!" Bianca laughed, hugging her arms. 

"Ha. No, uh it's your birthday present." He awkwardly held it out for Bianca to take. 

"Aw, thanks! You really didn't have to!" Bianca said as she slowly untied the green ribbon.

"It's your birthday isn't it? Why wouldn't I get you a gift? I mean I don't know if you'll like it but, it's the thought that counts right?" Draco rambled as she slowly opened the velvet box. She gasped and happiness welled in Draco. She obviously liked it. 

Bianca slowly pulled out a sliver necklace with a small emerald pendant. The necklace was small but it had to have cost a fortune.

"Thank you so much! It's the necklace I've been wanting for years! I always admired it when I went to Hogsmead. I'm surprised they hadn't sold it before." Bianca gushed as she admired the jewelry.

"It was pretty expensive, but I saw you looking at it last weekend and decided to get it for your birthday." Malfoy smiled at her.

Bianca grinned widely. "Can you help me put it on?" Malfoy nodded and she turned around. He gently pushed her hair aside and unclasped the necklace. As soon as it was secured around her neck, the little Hufflepuff turned around and hugged Malfoy tight around the waist.

"Thank you!" She whispered into his chest. He gripped her to his body, savoring the best hug he had ever had. She loosened her hold and stepped back. She smiled, took his cold hand in her small warm hand, and led him back to the castle.

Curious eyes followed them as she swung their arms together while walking through the castle. Who could love a death eater like him? Was clearly stated on their faces. Draco's face flushed, but Bianca was proud of the relationship with the tall Slytherin. He had proved to her that he really was a good person by getting her the necklace, and of course being kind to her. 

They walked all the way to the common room where Mina and Lisa were chatting. A smirk played on Mina's lips when she saw the two of them hold hands. Then her eyes fell on the emerald pendant bouncing on Bianca's chest. The necklace Bianca had wanted but never got since their first trip to Hogsmead. It had to have cost thousands of galleons. 

Bianca went into her bedroom and got out her embroidery then went back out to sit by the fire. 


After lunch Bianca went to the library to pick up some new books to read. The ones she had before were sitting in the pile of returned books at Madam Pince's desk. 

Bianca went roaming around the library looking up at the tall book cases. She spotted a title just out of her reach and tried to stand on her toes to get it, but failed. 

An arm reached from behind her and grabbed the book she was reaching for. Bianca turned around to retrieve the book from Harry Potter.

"Thanks Harry. How are you?" Bianca asked as she cradled the book to her chest.

"Pretty good. Hey, happy birthday!" He said shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

"Thanks." Bianca smiled at him.

"Hey so, uh, how is Malfoy treating you?" Harry brought up the question Bianca was expecting.

"Pretty good. He got me this necklace for my birthday!" Bianca proudly held up the necklace for Harry to see.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was a little worried about it because of something he said to me when we first met each other." Harry looked down. Bianca frowned at this.

"What did he say?" She was curious, but afraid it may dampen their bond.

"Well, erm, he said something like, 'Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you'" That last part Harry said in a drawling bored voice, imitating Malfoy. Bianca's face fell. He had basically insulted her house, the house she loved, and was proud of.

She left the library and slowly walked to the common room. Her mind was racing trying to figure out what she was going to say. Did she want to sound accusing, or maybe disappointed. She stopped when she got to the painting. The woman was cradling her baby, her husband nowhere to be seen.

"Is something wrong dear?" She asked kindly. Her eyes were soft, and she looked comfortable sitting on a plush chair in her portrait.

"I don't know. I just found out D- Malfoy insulted my house. It was a long time ago, but I still feel offended. Uh, is he in there?" Bianca stammered, feeling silly for talking to a painting.

"Yes, he just came in maybe 15 minutes ago," The woman said looking up at a clock hanging in the background. 

"Thank you. Also your baby is so cute!" Bianca entered the room after the lady in the portrait uttered a soft 'thanks'.

Only Michael was in the common room, and Bianca waved to him before going into the room she shared with Malfoy.

He was lying on the couch at the foot of their bed.

Reading her journal....

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