The Biggest Git

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The Great Hall was filled with nervous couples. Bianca watched as they hugged each other knowing they might be separated. The sky had cleared from last night's storm and the sun was smiling happily over the grounds. Not at all matching the mood in the castle.

Bianca sat down at the Hufflepuff table with Michael and Lisa on one side of her. She felt the dread filling her stomach, and she felt like she was suffocating. 

An arm snaked around her shoulders. Bianca looked up to see Harry Potter slide onto the bench next to her.

"It'll be okay," he reassured her. Bianca smiled gently, and began to butter a slice of toast to eat, as she was quite hungry. 

Bianca was friends with the golden trio, along with many other Gryffindors. In fact she was friends with almost everyone in the castle. The teachers liked her, all of the other houses got along with Hufflepuff well, to be frank.

Ginny sat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Hi Ginny," Bianca said reaching across the table for the pitcher of orange juice.

A nervous smile played on her face as she looked into her boyfriend's eyes.

Bianca noticed the nervous tension, and reassuringly said, "Don't worry. If McGonagall is choosing the couples she wouldn't split up any couples that are already together."

"I hope you're right," Harry said, kissing Ginny's forehead. Ginny nodded anxiously.

The schedules were passed out, and on her time table for today Bianca noticed that she didn't have any classes for today. Probably so we can "bond" with our new partner  she thought to herself.

Bianca finished her toast and orange juice and started to zone out as the other students exited the Great Hall.

McGonagall stepped up to the podium once more and pulled out a piece of parchment.

"When I call your name I want you to stand up, and when I say you partner's name, you may exit the hall together to do as you please for the morning. At lunch you will be escorted to your new dormitories where there will be three couples to a common room." 

She cleared her throat and started calling out names. Harry and Ginny were thankfully put together, as were Ron and Hermione. 

 "Michael Singh and Lisa Conway" McGonagall called. Bianca Laughed. She wasn't sure how that was going to work out. Sure they were friends, but that was it. At least that was what she knew.

"Draco Malfoy," Bianca saw the tall pale Slytherin stand up, "And Bianca Elliot."

Bianca caught her breath as she stood up slowly. Her mind was racing. Malfoy wasn't the last person she would have hoped to be with, but he wasn't at the top of her list. 

They met at the back of the hall by the doors. Before exiting, Bianca watched terrified as Malfoy looked her up and down, then smirked. They had walked all the way down to the grounds before saying anything.

"Uh so, what was that about?" Bianca said, trying to fill the awkward silence between them.

"What do you mean?" He said, trying to sound innocent, with a stupid smirk on his face.

She looked down at her feet, as he looked up and down at her again. "That. What are you even doing?" she asked again as she brought her head back up.

"Eh. You aren't the most pretty girl I've talked to. Not bad though. How do you feel about dresses?" He said, knowing his response would trigger her.

"Wha-what do you mean I'm 'not bad'. I am drop dead gorgeous, and you, Mr. Malfoy, are the biggest git I have ever not had the pleasure talking too. And I have, in fact, talked to Ron Weasley." At this she turned on her heel and stormed off towards the castle, her long honey blond hair billowing in the wind and at her fast pace.

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