Hall of the Fallen

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Sometime in the night, Draco heard Bianca stand up. She walked over to the closet and put on her robe. Draco sat up as she slipped on a pair of flats.

"What's going on?" He asked groggily trying to wipe the sleep from his gray eyes with his uninjured hand. Bianca's head shot up when he said this.

"Nothing. I just can't sleep. I wanted to go for a walk." She explained herself hurriedly. Draco's expression softened. Her face was pale in the moonlight and she looked like an angel with her golden hair creating a halo around her face.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Draco asked softly as he started to stand up. She hesitated then nodded. Draco slipped on his shirt and robe, then his slippers. As he walked over to her, he could see small beads of sweat on her forehead, and guessed she had been having a nightmare.

She gripped his hand in hers as she led Draco out of the common room and into the empty corridor. Bianca knew exactly where she wanted to go.

Her footsteps echoed in the deserted hallway, bouncing off the stone walls. Draco was confused as to where they were as they were somewhere he hadn't explored.

"Where are we?" He asked when he still couldn't figure it out.Bianca let out a small giggle.

"They built this wing after the battle. We're going to middle of it. This whole place is open at all times so if we get caught here we won't get in trouble." She explained carefully to him. Draco nodded and let Bianca lead him to the mystery destination.

A few minutes later they entered a vast hall with pictures hanging from the floor all the way to the high ceilings. The people in the portraits all looked modern and he saw a few faces he recognized.

"What is this?" He breathed. The ceiling had a beautiful picture painted on it. Angels. Hundreds of them. Draco heard a sniffle and looked over to where Bianca had walked to. She was standing in front of the portrait of a young girl with dark skin and curly black hair. At the bottom of the picture was a small golden plaque that read "Pippa Matthews: Deatheater."

"The Hall of the Fallen." Bianca said in an almost inaudible whisper. A few tears were sliding down her cheeks. He placed a strong hand on his shoulder and she looked up at him. Her blue eyes were brimming with tears. 

"How did I not know about this?" He asked still looking around in awe. She moved away to another portrait. This one was tall and had red hair and freckles. Fred Weasley

"Not a lot of people do." Bianca replied shortly. Draco walked around looking at the sleeping painting, searching for a specific familiar face.

"Are there, erm, deatheaters shown here?" He fumbled over his words. Bianca showed him a sad smile and pointed to the back where it was a little more dimly lit.

"They may have been with him, but they were all still students here at one point or another." She sympathized.  He half jogged half power walked to the back of the hall and started searching the faces for his old friend.

A loud snore was let out from the opposite side of where Draco was and he recognized it instantly. He hurried to the other side and was greeted by the plump face of his lost friend, Greggory Goyle. Draco let out a small choked sob and felt Bianca's soft touch on his back.

She wrapped him into a tight embrace and for the second time that night Draco sobbed into her shoulder. Her hands comfortingly rubbed his back, making small circling patterns to calm him down.

"I'm sorry." Bianca said after a minute.

"He was a dick, but he was my friend. I watched him d-die." Draco's strong body seemed frail and he shook and shivered in the tiny Hufflpuff's gentle arms. She guided him onto the floor, staying on her knees as he cried into her chest. She pressed kiss after kiss onto his soft hair.

"I know. I know." She soothed.

"Thank you for taking me here." He muttered after calming down. Draco's tight grip relaxed and Bianca sat back on her heels.

"Of course love." The word had slipped out. Usually it was Draco saying that to her, but that word had been all that had been on her mind and she accidentally said it. Draco let out a soft chuckle and gripped her small, petite hands in his bony, masculine hands.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

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