Last Day

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It was the last day of class of the year, and the teachers let everyone dress casually because of the hot June air. Bianca wore a cute floral dress that was lightweight and didn't make her sweat. It had been unusually warm for England. And so her hair was always up, and she made sure to wear minimal layers.

"This heat is disgusting." Draco complained as they walked to the last class of the year. Of their education.

"I wish it would rain." Bianca countered. Draco raised his eyes and nudged her gently with his elbow.

"It would still be warm rain. And after it would be deathly humid." He argued back. She stuck out her tongue playfully and raced ahead towards the class room. She hurried to their seat and sat down after putting down her bag. There was barely anything in it besides some parchment, ink, and her favorite quill. At lunch she had been packing as they would be leaving tomorrow and she didn't want to rush.

Draco sat down next to her and breathed in her sweet smell. Bianca smelled amazing to him. Lavender, vanilla, cream, and the laundry soap the house elves used for clothes.

"Stop sniffing me it's annoying." She whispered at him. He realized after a minute his nose was buried in her neck and he was breathing deeply to get more of her signature scent. Bianca laughed at his startled face. Because the teacher was late she started looking around the room and saw the rings on every girl's finger. Then she looked at her own and admired the rose gold band around her ring finer.

McGonagall hurried in ten minutes late and she looked quite frazzled but excited. She had her wand in her hand and several books trailing along behind her magically.

"I apologize everyone for the hold up. I had just remembered these books." She informed everyone. The professor flicked her wand elegantly and the books distributed themselves to the class, one per couple.

"I have been informed that a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have just found out they are to have their first child, and I realized too late I haven't taught you about parenthood. And so these books are for you to read when you return home." She explained.

The class started looking around to see if there were any Ravenclaw and Gryffindor couples, and there was one but they didn't like each other at all and were only together because of the law.

"You can start reading now or just have a free period. It's the last class and I'm sure we're all exhausted." McGonagall got up from her desk to open the classroom door, and almost everyone shuffled out from the hot classroom.

The Hufflepuff and Slytherin walked around before deciding to just go to the common room. Their friends were already sitting there having a heated argument. 

"It is not stupid!" Blaise yelled at Michael. His dark complexion was twisted into an angry expression and Michael's round face was red.

"What are they arguing about?" Bianca asked as she sat down next to an annoyed Lisa.

"Whether or not it's stupid to sleep with stuffed animals." Lisa answered as she rubbed her temples. Her red hair was braided in two dutch braids with blue ribbons tied on the ends that matched her blue gingham dress.

"You know what's stupid? This argument!" Mina stormed off and Blaise shot one last glare at the baby faced Michael before hurrying after her. Michael rolled his eyes, grabbed his book, and sat down to read beside Lisa.

"Well that was interesting." Bianca muttered as she went into her room. 

She still had packing to do. But instead she found herself taking a warm bath. The bubbles went flying into the air if she moved ever so slightly. The air smelled like lemons and mint from the soap and she relaxed instantly, forgetting that the same time tomorrow, she wouldn't be in school anymore.

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