The Ball

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Bianca scrambled around her room. Mina and Lisa were in the bathroom doing their hair and makeup. 

"I still fucking don't know what to wear!" She yelled at them. Mina rolled her eyes.

"Sweetie calm down. It's gonna be fine. Look in my closet down the hall. I'm sure I have something you'll like." Bianca sighed in relief. Mina's fashion sense was elegant, perfect for a ball.

She sifted through dozens of dresses in Mina's closet. She felt warm in her satin robe. What if whatever she wore, Draco wouldn't like it? She pushed aside the thought. He loved her. He wouldn't care what she wore.

She eventually narrowed it down to three dresses.

She eventually narrowed it down to three dresses

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She decided on the gold dress, knowing it fit the New Years theme

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She decided on the gold dress, knowing it fit the New Years theme. She did her makeup in a matching gold color, painting her lips a deep red. Her hair was curled, and she added a black headband, leaving a few blonde curls to frame her face. For shoes she picked out a pair of black heels.

When her friends saw her, they were at a loss for words

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When her friends saw her, they were at a loss for words. She wasn't wearing any jewelry except for her ring. They still didn't know where she got it from, and they decided they would get it from her later. Mina was wearing a red dress, which complimented her tanned skin, and stood out against her dark hair. Lisa was in a baby blue ensemble, it brought out her eyes, and didn't clash with her red hair.

"Oh. My. God." Mina breathed out when Bianca stepped out from the bathroom. Lisa and Mina were standing beside her bed, not wanting to ruffle their dresses. Lisa breathed out an envious sigh.

"You look gorgeous!" Lisa squealed in her light Scottish accent. Mina nodded in agreement, and Bianca smiled. She had had doubts, but her friends snuffed them immediately.

"As do you. Now let's go wow our dates." She linked arms with her friends, feeling Lisa's smooth freckled arm, and the delicate lace sleeves of Mina's dress.

Draco checked his watch impatiently. He and the other boys were waiting in the common room. It was already past nine, and the ball had already started. Blaise played nervously with his bow tie, and Michael awkwardly smoothed his tie.

A sudden giggling brought them to their feet as the three girls appeared at the top of the stairs. All three of them wearing big ball gowns, but Bianca's standing out the most, even more than Mina's bright red dress. 

Draco's mouth was slightly agape as they gracefully walked down the stairs, looking exactly like royalty. All of them, princesses. Bianca smiled lightly at him as she took the hand he held out for her. He felt like he should bow.

"Your majesty." He smirked. She rolled her eyes at him.

Motioning towards the door, she said, "Shall we?" He nodded.

"We shall."


The Great hall was decorated close to how it was for the Yule ball, but with more black and gold. People gasped when their eyes fell on Bianca and Draco. He was wearing a black dress shirt under his blazer, and he wasn't wearing a tie. He looked like he didn't care, and was elegant without trying, which he was.

The six of them went to find a table, and Michael and Lisa went to dance afterwards. Draco sat down with Blaise, and Bianca and Mina huffed.

"Aren't you going to dance with us?" They asked in unison.

Both the boys answered with a blunt "No". They sighed and went to dance without their dates. 

The loud music rung in their ears, as they danced in the tight crowd of puffy dresses. The ceiling lit up with fireworks and everyone gasped at the pretty bursts of light. 

Heels in hands, the two of them walked back to the table, hair slightly out of place. Blaise and Draco were still sitting there. Bianca sat down next to Draco and leaned on his shoulder, while Mina just decided to sit on Blaise's lap, sliding her arms around his neck.

"Why won't you dance with us?" Bianca whined, playing with her fiance's hair. He shrugged.

"Hey, Bianca?" Mina said. Bianca looked up at her.

"Can we play never have I ever after the dance?" She asked. Bianca wasn't sure why she was asking her, but she nodded. Even if they did choose to play with alcohol, they were of age anyways.

Mina and Bianca danced more. So much their feet felt like they were going to fall off.

"Draco, can you carry me back to out dorm?" Bianca asked, draping herself over a few chairs and Draco's lap. He laughed.

"Why?" He said.

"Because my feet are dead. Please?" She begged. He chuckled a deep laugh, and nodded reluctantly.

She stood up gingerly, and he swept her into his strong arms, and started the long walk, holding her bridal style. She hugged him tightly, as he carried her light body. He kissed the top of her head lovingly, and she smiled.

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