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Draco sat on a bar stool, his hands propping his head up. His eyes followed Bianca hungrily as she went to and fro, gathering ingredients and mixing, tossing, and folding. She was making cookies.

"When will they be ready?" He asked, his eyes never leaving her hands.

"When they're done baking." She said mysteriously.

"But I'm hungry." He whined.

"Then eat a brownie. Or a piece of cake. Or one of my other cookies. Or maybe some of the hot chocolate I made earlier." She listed off things she had made in the past week.

He sighed, and got a mug down from one of the cupboards. The steaming chocolatey drink, it's comforting aroma mixing with the scent of the baking gingerbread. He scooped a big glob of homemade whipped cream, and Bianca stuck a peppermint stick into the cream. He took a log sip, reveling in her cooking skills.

Bianca laughed. He had a mustache of cream along his upper lip. Tenderly, she brought a flour covered hand up to wipe it off, but instead clapped her hands, getting flour all over his black sweater.

He shrieked. Draco reached into the flour tin, grabbing a handful, creeping toward Bianca. She danced away laughing. She twirled around her kitchen, avoiding fistfuls of flour flung towards her.

Jack Elliot came in. His calm expression changed when he saw the two covered in flour, still bouncing around, throwing flour at each other.

"What is happening here?" He bellowed. The two of them froze, noticing him.

"Well, uh, we were, well, I was baking and I kinda threw flour at Draco an-" She was interrupted as her father threw a bunch of flour at her.

All of them were flinging flour at them until her mother flounced into the kitchen, stopped short, and screamed.

"You look like you were murdered by a baker, with flour!" She howled with laughter.

"Go look in the mirror, then clean this mess up. Also Bianca, sweetie, your cookies are about to burn." She was right. Bianca barely saved them. The cookies were a bit crispy, but they would give them to the neighbors. Only good cookies for them!

Marriage Law (Draco Malfoy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now