Nightmarish Dreams

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The spell hit Bianca hard. She fell to the chipped stone ground of the courtyard. 

She felt herself writhing, feeling pain shoot through every inch of her tired damaged body.

She screamed.

It was too much.

She wasn't strong enough. Her body curled in on itself, then tensed up and and shot outwards. I'm dying, she distantly thought. 

A shout brought her back to her senses, as the curse was released. Her body was swimming in pain. Her mind foggy. She had to move though.

Dementors swept through. Shit, she thought clearly. She could produce a patronous charm, but she couldn't think of any happy memories.

The cold washed over her tired worn body, sucking any tiny thought of something happy.

Her parents.

Her friends.


She collapsed again, blood spilling from her nose.

The dementor came closer, preparing to take the living soul out of her, but a silver light came bouncing over. It was a cat. After the dementor was banished she looked at McGonagall. Her bun had come loose and she had dirt on her face.

McGonagall nodded at her, then proceeded back into the battle.

The scene changed.

The foot came down, just as a yank on the collar of her shirt brought her out of the giant's way.

Bianca turned to thank Pippa, but a blast of green forced her friend to the ground, cold and lifeless.

Bianca screamed.

She fell to her knees, cradling her friend.

She looked up, the deatheater was laughing, cackling, like murdering was a fun game.

"You fucking bitch!  Reducto!" She shrieked, hitting the burly man in the mask hard with her spell.

He flew backwards into a wall, that crumbled at the impact. She heard a nasty crunch and knew she had to move on.

Spiders were everywhere along with dementors.

Then it all went quiet.

The scene changed

They all lined up defensively against the castle. 

Voldemort stood in front of his lessened army, smiling triumphantly.

Harry Potter was dead.

But he couldn't be.

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