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Whispers echoed as they walked walked off the train.

"What's on her hand?"

"Why does she like him? He's horrible."

"Do you think anyone's proposed yet?"

"Are you sure it's true?"

Did he really propose? I thought he liked Pansy."

"I can't believe he proposed to her. What does she see in her? The little whore."

The last question was from Pansy, who received a death glare from Draco. A calm hand made itself known on Draco's arm, calming him down.

"Let them whisper. It'll get worse if you react." She whispered, pressing a small kiss on his bicep. He nodded, swallowing his anger, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly. He gripped her hand tightly, feeling the cold band of the ring press against his fingers. He smiled.

The castle was almost empty. Most students had already come home, and were settled into their dorms, or had just never left.

Suddenly a hurtling ball of ball flung itself at Bianca, engulfing her in a tight hig.

"OHMYGODIMISSEDYOUSOMUCH!" Mina squealed, not letting go of Bianca. She laughed, awkwardly patting her friend's head.

"I was only gone for a week?" She said, confused.

"Well, Blaise was going to Italy to see his mom, and she didn't want to meet me. And my mom was off with her new boyfriend. And you were gone so I was here by myself and I was SO BORED." She explained, finally letting go of Bianca.

"What about Lisa and Michael?" She asked.

"They were in their room the whole time. Merlin knows what they were doing." Bianca burst out laughing at this.

"Have you seen the announcement? Everyone's talking about it." Mina said. Bianca looked at her with an eyebrow raised. Realization dawned on Mina's face as she remembered they had just gotten there. She laughed awkwardly.

"There's a flier in the common room. Just go there and look at it." Mina was looking behind her at Blaise who had just walked in, and she left Draco and Bianca to go hug her boyfriend.

Once in the common room, Bianca walked over to the notice board to read the announcement. The post said:

To all those participating in the Marriage Law,

Tomorrow you are obligated to come to the New Year's Ball with you partner.

 Formal attire only. 

The ball starts at 9 pm and ends at 12.

Once again this is mandatory.

She squealed. She hadn't gone to the yule ball in her fourth year. Everyone was too scared to ask her. Draco went over to see what the fuss was about and groaned when he read it. A ball? Who goes to those anymore?

Marriage Law (Draco Malfoy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now