Moving In

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Note: This is an actual castle in Germany I just like the way it looks and it was how I first imagined their "house".

As the large doors of the mansion flew open Bianca heard Draco gasp. He had thought his house was impressive. Behind the doors was a vast entrance hall decorated in gold. The white floor and walls were cleaned and sparkled freshly. A team of house elves were bustling around. They had neat uniforms unlike what most elves wore. Two of the servants went to take their bags from behind the couple.

"Well, welcome home!" Bianca squealed. It had been almost four months since they left Hogwarts and they were only just now moving into their new home. He twirled around in awe. The place was magnificent.

"Do you want a tour?" She asked as she watched as her fiance took in all the fancy decor. He nodded still flabbergasted. And so she led him around.

Bianca showed him the bedroom halls, kitchen, ballroom, the main library, the private library, the large lounging room filled with couches and chairs, and the main suite.

"My parents requested that we sleep in different rooms until we're married." Bianca grinned sheepishly. "They really believe in old school things. They were utterly appalled when they found out about the sleeping arrangements at school." She continued. There was an air of superiority or elegance about the way she held herself. She was regal, she literally owned the large palace.

"Was you great aunt royalty?" He finally choked out. Bianca giggled and smoothed down her skirt.

"You could say that. She, well, she married very well. But her husband had cancer and left everything to her. He was an earl or baron I believe." She explained

"Of some distant dead royalty!" She hurried after seeing the look of astonishment on Draco's face.

"So you're technically my superior." He laughed nervously placing a hand on the back of his neck.

"No, no, no. I'm not royal. Besides she was dowager because she only married into it." Bianca blushed. The whole thing embarrassed her, and so she never talked about it. During summers her great aunt liked to hold lavish balls for the high standing wizarding families, but always asked if she had wanted to invite her school friends. Bianca had never obliged.

"When do you think you'll meet my mother?" Draco said changing the subject as he could see her uncomfortable pose. That didn't seem to help though.

"Why rush it? I mean she'll obviously help with wedding planning. We have all the time in the world."


And so comes the end of my book :(. Thank you to all the people who read it and commented and voted. But look for the first chapter to the sequel, Wedding Bells!!!! I love all of you and I am so grateful to everyone who gave me inspiration. Thanks again....


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