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Bianca's attractive eyes fluttered open as she felt soft kisses peppering her neck and shoulders. She sighed and closed her eyes again. She had gone to sleep late last night after studying. It was so late when she got to bed, that Draco had already been asleep and he stays later than everyone.

"Morning love." He said in his raspy morning voice. She felt her stomach flutter as he said this. Bianca burrowed her head into her pillow, trying to block out the world. Her mind was still slow with sleep and her vision was slightly blurred. 

He chuckled to himself as he saw her burying herself into the covers and wrapping the comforter tightly around her tiny self.

"Come on! We need to get up, it's Valentines day!" He said after she started to fall asleep again. She ignored him and snuggled in tighter with the covers. Draco sighed and rolled his eyes. He knelt on the bed and stretched his arms, preparing to wake up Bianca. He ripped the comforter off of her and she screamed.

"Draco! I'm cold, you can't do that!" She shrieked wrapping her arms around herself, goosebumps appearing on her arms. He wrapped her up in his strong arms and enveloped her into an enormous bear hug. He planted kiss after kiss trailing from her cheek down her neck and shoulder.

"That was mean you know. I'm not forgiving you." She pouted and he stopped, but when she leaned into him again he started once more.

"Yeah? Then why are you letting me keep kissing you?" He said in between pecks. She shuddered as his mouth trailed along her collarbone.

"Are you ever gonna man up and kiss me properly?" Bianca said confidently. She felt a gentle hand lift up her chin properly and she barely had time to prepare herself before his lips covered hers. His mouth was gentle holding onto hers as if that he should pull away his life would be stripped from his body. They had kissed before, but this was different. Bianca's eyes fluttered shut as she melted into his arms, changing her positioning so she wasn't kissing him with her head turned to the side but so they were facing each other.

Draco moved his hands from her face down to her hips, settling them lower than normal. She moved closer and she was already practically in his lap. She broke apart to gasp for air. Her small chest was heaving and confusion glossed over her eyes. She didn't know what the feeling inside of the pit of her stomach was, but she didn't intend to find out. She delved in once again, taking control as she guided her hands up towards his head. Bianca entangled her small hands in Draco's tousled platinum blonde hair

His lips parted and she hesitated before letting him make the kiss even more passionate. She brought one shaky hand down and placed it on his chest, pushing him back into a laying position but never breaking contact. She didn't know where this was all coming from it just all came to her naturally. She moved her smooth legs so she was straddling him and she moved his hands so they were sort of cradling her backside.

Draco had no idea where this dominant and controlling persona of Bianca's had been hidden, but he quite enjoyed not having to do anything. For a moment he found himself wondering if the reason she was so skilled at it was because she had practiced with someone else, but remembered what she had said last month with the Never Have I Ever game. Draco was enjoying himself knowing Bianca was in fact trying to please him.

It was when he started playing with Bianca's shirt that she pulled back. She was quietly gasping for air, trying to wrap her head around the fact she had just made out with someone who wasn't her pillow or a stuffed animal. After recollecting herself she brought her eyes to meet Draco's adoring gaze and gave him a sheepish smile. It then seemed to hit Bianca of how she was positioned. She quickly pushed herself away from Draco flopping on her usual spot in their shared bed, freeing him of her straddling.

Her cheeks were a bright red as Draco went to get ready for the day. She could hardly believe that they had gotten so close to going so far. It was most definitely a Valentines day Bianca would remember.


I wrote this at like midnight but I'm pretty sure it's good. I really wanted to write a more passionate chapter, but not smut, so I decided on this. I literally cried after writing this because I'm alone and will probably die like that if I don't shift soon. Anyways Merry Christmas! I love you all


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