Chapter 7

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Selena POV

Opening my eyes and breathing in the fresh ocean air. Then suddenly I felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom, I made it just in time to puke my guts out.

"Babe, you ok? It's ok Babe." Justin said while holding my hair and rubbed my back. We stayed like that until I had nothing left to puke out. Justin handed me a towel and helped me up.

"Thanks Jay." I replied and brushed my teeth. Every Morning I would wake up and puke my guts out, then after I ate breakfast if I did I would puke that out too.

"Sel are you sure you are ok? This is normal?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah, I think it's called morning sickness?" I answered. A heard footsteps coming into the room and a few people's voices.

"Morning!" I called out while Justin and I walked out of the bathroom.

"You ok S?" Taylor asked, coming up to me.

"Yeah, I called the doctor and I am going in for a check up tomorrow. I can't believe we have to leave already!" I complained. Everyone agreed with me and all groaned. Some of the guys already left first to go back to not have any suspicions. Justin was supposed to go with them but he decided not to. I think he already has his fans thinking that he is coming back soon so we will just cross our fingers that they think it's a coincidence that we arrive on the same day, just at a different time. My phone dinged and I looked at it. A message from my manager, team members, and my mom. I pressed my manager's message first.

Manager: Selena you might want to check TMZ. Someone saw you, Justin and everyone else hanging out.

"OMG! Someone told them!" I screamed. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. "Check TMZ" I played the video from TMZ for everyone and we watched together.

"Justin Bieber is in Cebu with Selena Gomez! The two ex lovers are back together? An inside worker working at the resort says that Justin, Selena, Taylor, Vannsessa, Camila, and some other squad members were hanging out at the beach side and playing Pictanary. The Girls later started singing songs for the boys. We will show you more once we find out more. Is hashtag Jelena back?" the narrator said. Justin hugged me tightly and I closed my eyes to think.

"Ok, I can work with this. What about we um we... give me a minute. I am gonna text my parents to see how upset they are at me." I stated. I took my phone and walked over to the little living room. Justin sat next to me and I checked my family chat.

Mom: Selena Marie Gomez! Are you back with Justin?

Dad: What is going on? Is this fake?

Brian: Selena better be ready for an explanation for the parents. We are gonna be at your house.

Me: Ok, ok, Don't worry there is a very good explanation. See you soon xoxo

"Ok we have two choices, one is to tell everyone and the other is to say we are just working on friendship relationships. Except in less than 3 months people are gonna notice a bump." I voiced out. Most of them were also in the living room hanging out.

"What do you guys wanna do? Because really it's your relationship." Usher asked.

"First I want to find out who told TMZ." I said. I walked over to the phone and dialed the front desk.

"Hello, this is Selena Gomez. And I just saw on TMZ that one of your empleos violated one of our rules on the contract. Could I speak to your manager?" I said I will grit my teeth. Taylor and Vanessa both came over and stood next to me.

"Hello this is Yosef, how may I help you?" Yosef the manager said.

"So one of the first things I made sure of before coming here was that I had a recording of you and your employees promising that no words were gonna be said about Justin and I being here. One of your employees violated the contract and I would like you to please find out who it is." I said forcefully into the phone, I continued to keep my calm and spoke in a gentle tone. Taylor swiped the phone away from me and talked.

"Hello this is Taylor Swift. I would like to personally tell you that we have a recording of you guys saying that none of your employees would say a word about us being here. If you do not find out who told us we will be holding this resort personally incharge of all charges we will fill against you. In the nicest and most friendly way possible find the person who told you or we will be suing you hotel. Thank you and please pass this along to you Boss." Taylor practically yelled into the phone and ended the call.

"Tay? Umm breath. Drink some water." I said to her and gave her a bottle of water. Not gonna lie, I am a little frightened from Taylor's outbreak.

"So Selena. I have an interview soon and I am pretty sure I am gonna be asked about it. What would you like me to say." Vanessa asked. We walked back to everyone else and I sat on Justin's lap. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, "It's up to you."

"Screw it, let's just go for it. Our managing team said Yes when we are ready, my family all knows, you parents most likely know, everyone has an idea. Why don't we just announce that we are back together? We can post some pictures of us on a beach and a tiny clip of the Pictionary game. Cause in a few months people are gonna find out. So let's do it during our vacation." I said. A few people raised their eyebrows and other's mouths dropped open.

"Sure? What should we do?" Ashley asked.

"If you guys want you can post pictures of our vacation, because before we were not gonna post anything but if you guys want you can." I answered.

"Are you positive you want to do this? You can't go back from here." Courtney questioned, without thinking I nodded my head. I snuggled my head into Justin's neck and we browsed for pictures of our break. I chose a picture of me standing along the beach in a bathing suit Justin was in the background a little bit, and the other one was Justin and I kissing.

"Babe are these ok?" I asked. Showing him the pictures.

"Of course you look lovely in them!" Justin replied.

"So I am gonna secretly bring back a few pictures of us and then post the pictures ok? I think I'll caption it just hanin." I replied.

"Ok here are the ones I chose. Also your caption is so smart. Just and then get rid of the Han is my name!" Justin stated happily. He showed me the pictures, one was of us at the beach laying down. My face in this picture was a little dark and hard to see and the second in is us standing in the middle of the ocean hugging each other.

"Aww you guys are so cute!" Teressa exclaimed. She snapped a few pictures, tapped her phone and showed me the story. "Yes?"

"Sure!" I replied.

"S! So we have to go soon but they are still looking for the person who told TMZ, I guess since you guys are posting we are riding the plane together and all that?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah sure. Tay you know you and Joe can go and do whatever you guys do together right?" I laughed. Taylor and Joe left not before saying see you soon and left to go to the beach. I continue to bring back some throwback pictures of Justin and I. I saw a few Jelena fans were already noticing and posting about it.

"Jay, I am gonna post now ok? Then we have to leave!" I questioned. Justin hugged me tightly and kissed me. I pressed the post and within 4 minutes I already had 1 million likes.

"Wow babe! They love us!" Justin said and laughed. I looked at some Jelena accounts through my extra account and saw a few posts.

The first one: was a picture of Justin and I eating dinner and it said. OMG Selena brings back a picture of Jelena and then posts pictures with Justin! I am gonna faint.

The second one: #Jelena's back yall! Selena and Justin are both posting pictures of each other!!

The third one: I hated mondays but now... Monday is the best day in the world! This day should go down in history!

The fourth one: Did yall notice Selena is wear the S+J=F ring and the caption is adorable! Just hangin - Sg

The last one: The Jelena picture on Selena's instagram just reached 1 million in 4 minutes!

We took a few pictures together since we have a thing where we have albums of pictures of each other when we are not close together. 

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