Chapter 16

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Stumbling in the dark I try to find my way to the bathroom. One hand covering my mouth and the other holding my phone to see. Finally I feel the handle of the door and I rush into the bathroom, kneel down near the toilet and puke my guts out.

"Selena?" a voice calls out from the bedroom. Placing my hand on the toilet seat and pushing my head up and answering.

"I am ok. Go back to sleep, just morning sickness." I call back, my throat feels itchy and it hurts from the acids from my stomach. A few bangs and oowss are voiced out before I see Justin in the doorway.

"Never, here I got you a towel and your water. Your throat is gonna hurt so drink it slowly. Are you sure you can go to the interview? We could call and say you're sick." Justin states extremely worried.

"Thank you. It's ok, if my throat hurts you can speak for me or I'll write it." I replied. I take the bottle of water and wipe my mouth on the towel. Justin wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. Leaning my head on his neck we sit like that for a few minutes. Ding Ding Ding, my phone goes off. Justin picks it up and answers for me.

"Hello?... hmm yes. Selena is busy right now..... would ..... Ok.... um sure.... Yeah ok..... So.. ok thank you for the call." Justin says into the phone.

"What" I whisper.

"It was just a reminder that we should leave for the interview now and that the car is arriving in 5 minutes." Justin repeats. He helps me up and together we go down stairs to wait for the car. I didn't have to change or anything since my outfit and everything is gonna be brought by my team. Also I was already dressed in some casual shorts and t-shirt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At The Ellen Show~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Please welcome my next guests. The super talented Selena Gomez and the also talented Justin Bieber!" Ellen announced. We walked out hand in hand, waved, hugged Ellen, and sat down.

"Hi guys!" Justin says. I smile and wave since I wanted to save my voice.

"Selena! Gosh you look so pale. Are you ok?" Ellen asks straight away.

"Selena lost her voice and isn't feeling so well but she insisted that she need to come here since canceling so late would be inconvenient to you and your team. Selena's gonna whisper the answer to me and I'll answer it for her." Justin repeats what I asked him to say.

"Selena, next time you're not feeling well please just rest at home. We don't mind." Ellen responds. I nod my head and smile back at her. If only she knew the real reason.

"So you know I have to ask. How are you guys?" Ellen askes.

"We are great! We went house hunting yesterday. It was pretty fun, lots of beautiful houses." Justin says.

"That's amazing! So that leads me to my next questions. First let's take a look at this video of an interview with your friend Taylor." Ellen states before playing the video. I already know which video its gonna be.

"Taylor lets play a game. Plead the Fifth." Interviewer

"Sure" Taylor

"Question one, Do you have new music coming up?" Interviewer

"Yes." Taylor

"Question two, Is Selena and Justin..." Interviewer

"Plead the fifth." Taylor.

"Wow, you didn't even hear the question yet." Interviewer

"What ever you were gonna ask relating to my best friend I can't answer." Taylor.

The crowd claps and laughs at how fast Taylor said plead the fifth.

"So Selena and Justin you guys are buying a house that you guys can hide from paparazzi and the public, is there a reason?" Ellen asks. I tap on Justin's arm and whisper something into his ear. "Selena says, we just want our future house to be less in the public house because previously our relationship has had some problems due to the public." Justin paused for a minute before continuing. "Also since Selena's old house was... yeah so our families want her to be not so much in the public eyes, for safety reasons."

"Ok. ok. I see. So the next question is what is coming up? New music? Movies? Collaborations?" Ellen asks. The crowd cheered loudly and clapped. I looked to Selena and she nodded her head.

"Yes we actually have alot coming up. I have a few name brand collaborations and a few music things but Selena has a lot coming up. Selena has 2 movies coming soon, an album with me coming, a tv show currently being filmed, and tons of magazine covers." Justin announced.

"Oh wow that's exciting! Can you tell us any names or who is gonna be on the new album?" Ellen questioned.

"We actually can tell you. So there will be a collaboration with Taylor, Cardi, Miley, Ariana, Usher, Drake, Zyan, Camila, Vanessa, Julia, Shawn, and me." Justin states. Once again I tap Justin's hand and whisper something else in his ear. "Oh yeah and Selena is requesting her fans to put their name down on her website and a random 20 will get to be asked to have a small part in a song."

"Wow! That's a ton of collaborations! When does the album come out? Soon I hope" Ellen asked.

"We are planning on releasing it soon since all the songs are ready to go, so most likely if I am not mistaken next month." Justin announces. Everyone in the crowd cheers and claps at our answer.

"Um yeah this album is mainly dedicated to our friendship with the squad and our loyal fans. We wanted to do all the things that have been frequently requested to us. So the collabs and yeah" I whispered quietly. Since I had the microphone it came out a little louder.

"Selena please don't strain your voice, I heard that you still have to go do some acting later. We are already very grateful that you still came." Ellen states.

"Don't worry, It will probably go away later. My manager is finding remedies to get rid of it so that I can go film later." I whispered again into the microphone.

"Ok. So one more question I know it is still very early into your relationships but once again I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask. Any plans for a family?" Ellen asked.

"Um no not yet." Justin answered quickly. I nodded my head in agreement. "Oh unless you count our dogs." 

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