Chapter 12

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Justin POV

Selena woke up, but doesn't remember anything we want through. What am I gonna do? What if she never forgives me again. Or she doesn't get her memories back? What will I do then? I slowly crept to the side looking at Selena but kind of hiding.

"Ok Selena so we think that when you put yourself in a coma something triggered in your brain. So you should get your memories back soon. But what do you remember so far?" Doctor Jones asked. Selena scrunched her face up and frowned. I knew that face. She makes it everytime she is concerned or worried.

"I don't know. I have these plot holes in my mind. It's like I can't remember some things. The last thing I remember is.... My transplant." She responded. Finally she looked over to me, she focused on me and looked at me for a few minutes. A few people have already left the room to give Selena some privacy. The kids with huge protests were brought outside.

"Justin? What are you doing here? You can't be here. Hailey's gonna be really mad at..." she drifted off again. Everyone looked at Selena and I, waiting. I looked to Taylor, asking for help.

"Um Doctor, should we be reminding Selena of the past 2 years or just let it come by itself?" Taylor asked.

"It would help if you talk about the past a little at a time and explain to her what happened in the past 2 years. I will be back in a few minutes, are there any questions?" Doctor Jones replied.

"Actually I have a question. Umm this feels stupid but whats the tiny bump on my stomach? It's really small but I can feel it there." Selena questioned.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you. Would Justin and the other want to tell you or should I?" The doctor asked. Once again everyone looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok I am gonna leave it to them to tell you. See you later Selena." Doctor Jones said before walking out the door.

"So what have I missed?" Selena asked.

"Um... ok so for the first year you fell into depression and had really bad mental health. You were diagnosed with Bipolar. Then during the near end of it you started getting better so you insisted on releasing music and stuff. Then your health got bad again because you overworked yourself. So you took a break and stopped releasing music and doing interviews. When you got diagnosed with Bipolar and your Lupus started getting worse, your mental health deteriorated again. So your friends, Nana and Papa moved in with you......" Mandy stopped abruptly and looked at Selena. Selena was frowning and trying to get a grip on what we were saying. I wanted so badly to go and comfort her but she doesn't know we are together again and we have a baby on the way.

"Ok so Lupus bad, Diagnosed with Bipolar, and depression. That can't be it Anything else?" Selena asked.

"You got a dog, became a god mother, and did a few collaborations with singers." Prescilla said next.

"You bought a new house but that sadly has some problems. Umm you went on a trip with UNICEF and spoke at WE day..." Taylor added but was interrupted by Selena.

"Ok ok ok. None of you are answering 2 of my most important questions. One why is Justin here, and two what's the tiny bump on my stomach?" Selena states annoyed. I froze in place and bit my lips.

"Selena, believe it or not before you put yourself in a coma we were dating again." I said shyly. Selena gasped and looked at me.

"Me and you? But you're with Hailey. OMG did you cheat on Hailey with me? OMG Hailey's gonna kill me! What? How? But? You and me are over? You were getting married to Hailey." Selena stuttered.

"What do you mean she's gonna kill you? But yeah Um... yeah I got married to Hailey because of publicity. I am sor..." I tried.

"You did WHAT?! And YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? I LOST 2 years worth OF MY MEMORIES BUT I CAN STILL FEEL THE PAIN! AND I FORGAVE YOU!? YOU... didn't tell me and I am guessing the depression wasn't from haters or anything. It was from you wasn't it. So what was your reason this time? How did you do it yet again?" Selena yelled. Selena had tears streaming down her face and was sniffling.

"I am gonna just go. Feel better Selena, I am gonna let you rest and I'll come back tomorrow." I said quietly and began to walk away. Mandy whispered something in Selena's ear, she groaned and sighed. She looked to her grandparents and they also nodded their heads, Taylor looked to Selena too and pleaded with her eyes.

"Jay stay with me? Explain. I promise I won't um... do that again. I am sorry I just had to let out some steam." Selena said embarrassed.

"My Identity is you..." I say.

"My Identity is you" She replied. (here is the link if you don't know what I am talking about )

"Selena what do you mean she's gonna kill you?" Taylor asked. Selena blushed hard and avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Oh it's nothing. So explain?" Selena asked.

"No, S tell us what Hailey said to you." Taylor stated.

"Oh, um, she texted me a while ago to stay away from Justin because he is hers and like something about how I was only in the way. She said if I met up with Justin within these 2 years she was gonna sue me or something and um just some other things." Selena mumbled.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't know H contacted you." I replied.

"So Justin and I are back together. Where were we before I fainted?" Selena asked.

"You with Justin's family. And I told you some unfortunate news, so you fainted." Taylor replied.

"So what was the bad news?" Selena asked.

"Oh, we can tell you later. You should rest." Selena's grandma Mary said. Selena yawned and nodded her head.

"Considering I have been sleeping for a while I am surprisingly tired. Can you help me say thank you to everyone here..." Selena mumbled, then she started to shiver. Brought a blanket over to Selena and wrapped it around her. "Jay, I am cold. Lay with me?" she asked. Slowly she scooted over giving me some space. I nodded and got in next to her, and held her. 

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