Chapter 1

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Alrighty, first the standard DISCLAIMER: I dun own it. Also, the cake is a lie.

You may have noticed that I updated fairly fast when I said that I probably wouldn't. That's because I thought I was going to spend some time working out a plotline for a change, but I was wrong...apparently I can't bring myself to plan these things ahead to save my life :P. I've also been on vacation for the past ten days and I got bored, so I started writing.

Hopefully it turns out decent xD.

Also, I will be making some fairly big and some rather more minor changes to the Stargate continuity, as certain things about the series never did make much sense, especially once you try to write about them. Additionally, I will also be making a lot of stuff up as I go whenever I need some detail that the TV show never provided.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have by some bizzare miracle stumbled on this story first, then you should note that this is actually the fourth in a series and will make incredibly little sense if you haven't read the first three.


Around a very average main sequence yellow star named Agrak orbited a planetary system composed of three planets, four gas giants, their various moons and two asteroid belts of considerable size.

This planetary system was located about 30,000 light years away from Earth to the Galactic East-northeast, a considerable distance outward along the Sagittarius Arm of the Galaxy.

The first two planets were host to extremely hostile conditions that didn't support life, but the third was quite beautiful, a blue-green gem obscured in places by white clouds and orbited by two moons. This planet was known as Erius to those who called it home.

Currently that included the former Goa'uld System Lord Zeus and his Queen Hera. At least, Zeus liked to consider himself a deposed System Lord, even though his rebellion against his former overlord and father Cronus had only been successful for a mere handful of years before Cronus had taken the title away from him again.

Being a Goa'uld, Zeus looked more or less identical to every other member of his serpentine species, at least as far as non-Goa'uld were concerned, but that was unimportant since the Goa'uld were a parasitic species that favored humans hosts.

The unfortunate man that Zeus had taken as a host was handsome, tall and fit despite being somewhere in his mid to late fifties. His short hair was snow white, as was his immaculately kept beard. He was dressed in a toga style outfit that clearly had Greek origins, but had been through considerable modifications.

Zeus was convinced that his fall from grace was due to the Supreme System Lord Ra imposing a tithe of naquadah, Jaffa and human slaves on the System Lords after returning from the far side of his domain one day in an incredibly foul mood. In reality, it was mostly to due with the fact that the shaky alliance which he had cobbled together with his siblings Hades and Poseidon, along with his children, had degenerated into bickering and infighting over who got which pieces of Cronus' domain.

Cronus, though weakened by the uprising of the children he'd spawned with his own Queen, was not so daft as to miss an opportunity to regain his station and had swiftly capitalized on their greed. The following battles saw all of the Goa'uld who had taken on the roles of the ancient Greek pantheon of gods decimated, with the sole exception of Zeus and Hera, who had managed to escape at the expense of their entire fleet and Ares, who had seen which way the wind was blowing and turned traitor. The last bit of intelligence Zeus had managed to gather about his treacherous offspring informed him that Ares had been shifted off to some forsaken backwater, both as punishment for his original betrayal of Cronus and to keep him well away from a position that would allow him to repeat his treachery.

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