Chapter 14

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A few days after the raid on Dalios.

Takami had been having a much more enjoyable time these past years than she had expected to. There had been plenty of things to learn and new discoveries to get up to speed on and it had been very interesting.

She had eventually picked the genetics research, in spite of Naruto's terrible Nazi jokes, and had been fully absorbed in her work in short order. With superior equipment that continued to get better with every year, the research was going quite fast and stayed interesting.

There was no escaping encounters with the occasional coworker that was too full of themselves, but it was generally not any worse than it had been on Earth. She was still fully capable of glaring idiots like that into submission at any rate. The only idiots that it had so far failed to work on were Minaka(who was too insane to notice) and Naruto(who hit on her when she tried it).

There were still periods when they hit a wall in their research, during which times Takami sometimes went poking around with the cybernetics division. This was due to there being a certain amount of crossover, as they needed to have a detailed understanding of the human body if they wanted to graft artificial limbs and organs to people that could be used with full efficiency. Especially the ones with 'extra' features.

She more or less ignored that much of the testing was done by amputating the limbs of convicted criminals(thankfully unconscious at the time) and seeing if their latest attempt was going to work. She'd taken a look at their psych profiles and trial notes once and found it hard to feel sympathetic. The only other option was execution anyway.

Perhaps one of the best aspects of being a scientist in the Celestial Empire was the lack of any ignorant sheep baying about 'man's reach exceeding his grasp' or anything similarly stupid. Japan had less of that than some other nations, but there were still plenty of people that seemed to be of the opinion that progress was something that should only be allowed to a point that they were comfortable with and then stopped. It was refreshing to work in an environment where slowing down, much less stopping, wasn't even considered.

Well that wasn't entirely true, Takami had to admit to herself. There were people that would have preferred that they stop advancing, but they had been consistently ignored since the first time someone had voiced that opinion.

Considering the speed of the Empire's progress, that wasn't much of a surprise. There were still people alive that remembered a time before computers after all, before television even.

That might have been the reason for the recent exodus of about ten thousand people to an empty planet. Xanna's offer to let people settle elsewhere, outside of their protection if they didn't like living in the Empire, had at long last been taken up by someone.

It had been the cause of a big ruckus as the whole thing happened, with most people being baffled as to why anyone would want to live in a hostile galaxy without the Empire's protection.

Takami was markedly less baffled, but she had more experience with human stubborness and stupidity than they did. There were still elements within Japan that wanted to return to the Feudal era, completely ignoring what the reality of those times was in favor of daydreaming about how 'glorious' the past had been and completely forgetting the reality of it. Or there had been when she'd left at any rate.


That hadn't really impacted her work though and had merely passed her by as an event of zero personal significance.

At the moment, she was making her way to the palace once again after receiving a summons by Naruto. She was only slightly rankled at the need to show up whenever he called her, due to several reasons.

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