Chapter 6

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Astral Plane.

The Astral Plane, a place which was only called a place for lack of a better word. A place where time and space had meaning only as abstract terms. A place that technically only existed because the collective consciousness of the Ascended asserted its will and brought it into being.

As the Ascended existed both as beings of contained energy on the Physical Plane, so too they existed as coherent thought on the Astral Plane. The Ori had their own version of the Astral Plane and it could be(and was) debated whether it was a separate section of the same Astral Plane or whether it was an entirely different Astral Plane.

A curious thing it was, which allowed the spirits of those who had transcended the flesh to retain their individuality while also having a great communion of spirit as they contemplated themselves, the nature of the Universe, and their place in the vastness of Creation.

Here we find one Oma Desala, her focus inward in solitary meditation. She was held in great disfavor among the other Ascended for what they considered to be reckless meddling with the inhabitants of the lower planes, which was a large part of the reason why she did not often join her spirit with the others. Her most recent meddling had caused that disfavor to deepen, even though she had not done more than give some fairly basic advice. She refused to stop though, firmly believing that despite their strangeness and abrasive manner, Naruto and Xanna represented the best hope for the Galaxy to climb out of the pit that the Alterans had inadvertently helped sink it into and she would not shy away from it simply because of past failures.

After being forgotten about and left sitting naked in a bath on Erius, Oma had struggled hard to let go of the frustration she'd felt.

They had gone off to have sex on a beach and simply left her there.

For three days.

The servants had been confused and worried, half suspecting that she had done something to the missing Emperor and Empress.

Several of the Jaffa had been debating the merits of interrogating her for their location, which she knew would have likely involved torture. Not something she had been eager to experience.

Fortunately, Te'lok had merely sighed in a long suffering manner when she had told him what they had done and nodded as if that explained everything.

Then had followed three days of being stuck in a flesh and blood body.

Oma knew that suicide would probably release her from whatever it was that was keeping her earthbound, but she hadn't been able to bring herself to do that. Such senseless waste of life had been frowned upon in Alteran society, even if the body was merely a construct.

It had been a strange and sometimes humiliating few days.

The palace servants hadn't minded needing to prepare food for her in addition to their own, for which she had been very grateful since she didn't know how to cook. Alteran civilization had been so advanced as to not require it and the Ascended obviously did not need to eat.

The humiliation had come later, when the inevitable need for waste disposal had come up.

In her first life, Oma had been used to an extremely high technological standard.

Having to adjust to using a toilet without electricity or running water had been a very new experience for her and not one that she reflected upon fondly. It was made worse when the missing trio had come back, complaining about sex on the beach not being all it was cracked up to be because the sand got everywhere.

For the first time in millenia, Oma had been tempted to slap someone.

Regardless, she had managed to put that behind her for the most part and was now enjoying the peace and tranquility brought about by deep meditation.

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