Chapter 2

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Several weeks had passed since Naruto and Xanna's hostile takeover and things had more or less settled down. Or at least, that was their best estimate since the day on Erius was about twenty six hours and twenty minutes long…measuring time on a different planet was going to be a bitch.

Both he and Xanna were rather flummoxed as to how the Elemental Nations had a twenty four hour day just like Earth, which was something they hadn't considered up till now. In the end they wrote it off as a coincidence, because the idea that one world was some kind of weird offshoot of the other simply made no sense.

The human population of the planet had at first been terrified of them, fearing that their situation would worsen with the two scary looking horned people in charge, but much of that passed when they were told that they didn't have to work in the mines anymore.

Their population had always been small, just shy of a 100,000 when Zeus had first come to put them back into slavery under the Goa'uld and their culture hadn't been able to develop much due to the ban on reading and writing that all Goa'uld enforced. Despite being free for centuries, that edict had lingered long after the Goa'uld had abandoned Erius.

Zeus' arrival and subsequent ham handed changes had seen their population drop to a paltry 17,000 in the two hundred years that he'd been around. Forcing them to mine for naquadah, which they had absolutely no use for at their current level of development, utterly prevented any progress from being made and took manpower away from the much needed area of food production. In combination with poor hygiene this had caused far more death than all the direct killing that Zeus had done over the years.

The Jaffa had been somewhat more problematic. Their lives under Zeus had actually been fairly good, so there had been a some grumbling when they had been commanded to help the humans with any kind of manual labor they might need, such as building homes and difficult bits of farming. Naruto couldn't bring himself to feel any sympathy for their scuffed pride. The small Jaffa garrison on this planet had been left to make sure that the slaves continued mining and they had lived easy, if boring, lives on account of that.

Besides, it's not as if they had anything better to do and it would also help to fully integrate the humans and Jaffa so that they didn't consider themselves separate anymore. It's not as if the Jaffa were anything but a subspecies of Humanity anyway.

The other thing he had done in making sure they didn't get any stupid ideas about rebellion was to invite them to kill him and when they inevitably failed, he started teaching them how to fight worth a damn. Slowly but surely, they were all starting to see him as a warrior to be respected, more than just a god to be feared.

He hadn't been much impressed that most of their tactics seemed to consist of massed charges and reliance on overwhelming firepower. He wasn't sure if this was because there was no experienced Jaffa Master present to teach them better, or if this was fairly standard procedure for the Goa'uld.

He certainly wouldn't put it past them. 'Charge! Run them down!' sounded very dramatic, but it usually resulted in humiliating defeat unless there was no chance of defeat in the first place.

Or if the enemy was just as stupid with their tactics.

The only real incident that had occurred since their takeover had been due to the small priesthood that Zeus had used to peddle his religion. The priestesses of the Goa'uld were usually unwed Jaffa women in high standing who took care of the newly spawned Goa'uld who weren't yet ready for an implantation into a Jaffa. There was also the occasional human priest or priestess among the Jaffa females…these were humans who had fully bought into the whole 'Goa'uld divinity' thing and served the purposes of convincing others of the same, as well as helping the Jaffa priestesses safeguard the larval Goa'uld.

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