Chapter 12

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A lot of people lately have been asking me when they'll run into Earth and the SGC crew. I can't give you anything specific since I'm not all that sure of it myself(originally I expected it to be at about chapter 4), but it should be relatively soon. Definitely not the next chapter, but soon.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this extra long chapter. I'm gonna go play some Dark Souls 2 and no doubt die horribly.


Takami stared at the horned man for a few seconds in confusion before it clicked what had just happened. He must have brought her out of stasis.

It was a bit disorienting for her. After all, as far as she was concerned she'd been in Minaka's old office just a moment ago and now she was elsewhere with Naruto telling her that centuries had passed.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and asked the next pertinent question.

"Naruto, you said I'd only be in stasis for a hundred years or so. How long has it been?"

He gave her a bit of a sheepish grin as he answered. "Yeah, that might have been a bit over optimistic. It's been closer to five hundred."

Takami felt like someone had just punched her in the gut.

"F-Five hundred...?"

"Apparently, starting off with a tiny population that has a knowledge base barely above the level of absolute zero takes a long time to get to a respectable level." He went on blithely.

Takami was still looking a bit poleaxed at the idea that she'd spent half a millenium on ice, and now she was trying to figure out how any society as primitive as the one he'd just described could have advanced to a level where she would be useful in just five centuries.

Naruto grinned in amusement at her stunned expression. "Come with me, I'll explain as we walk."

Mutely, she followed him and listened as he started talking.

"The planet you're on is named Erius and when Xanna and I came here, it didn't even have enough people to make a respectable town. We started them down the path of advancement, but didn't give out too much knowledge since we wanted them to reach it themselves. Oh, and there's going to be a few things you'll have to get used to."

"Like what?" She asked, still trying to wrap her mind around the idea that she was not on Earth anymore.

"Well for starters, the day here is over twenty six hours long, so your sleep cycle is probably going to take a while to adjust. Since the day is longer, the way time is measured also developed differently. We did manage to keep the metric system of measurement though. Also, the year is about twenty percent longer. You might also feel a bit weird for a while because of those."

Takami followed his finger and felt her jaw drop as she saw two moons in the night sky. That made it sink in that she wasn't on Earth anymore far better than anything else. Almost in a trance she approached the balcony, still staring at the two celestial bodies.

The part of her mind that wasn't busy being shocked was already thinking furiously on what kind of effect two moons would have on the planet and its inhabitants.

The tides would be different for sure, and there was a slew of things that were affected by the lunar cycle. She'd need to write them all down to keep them straight and she wasn't even an astronomer.

Her eyes dipped down and she saw the many lights of a modern city stretching out towards the horizon. The building they were in was clearly very tall and by what little of it she could see, Takami guessed that it must be an enormous palace.

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