Chapter 11

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Anise stared at the results of the DNA analysis without comprehension and with more than a touch of incredulity.

Roksana had gone to sleep pretty much immediately after Naruto had left, but Tok'ra were fortunately capable of controlling the body even if the host was asleep. It was generally considered rude, but Roksana had said that she didn't mind.

Anise suspected that Roksana had also done this because it would spare her from having to clean up the mess that Naruto had so generously left between their legs, though even she had to admit that it had been an incredibly pleasurable experience at the time. Regardless of having to deal with the goopy mess dribbling from Roksana's body, Anise had still been pleased with having access to Naruto's genetic material and his explicit permission to study it.

She would have studied it even without his permission, but it was still nice to have it.

Unfortunately, the actual studying proved to not be as enlightening as she had hoped. In fact, it was nothing short of baffling. She had run the tests over three times and been extra careful, but the results made no more sense than they had the first time.

Naruto's DNA made no sense at all. It had everything you would expect DNA to have...if the sample was from a human. A completely ordinary human except for the fact that he was apparently sterile.

But that was impossible! Humans did not have horns, humans did not have claws, slit eyes or fangs! Humans did not casually violate the laws of physics!

Anise felt terribly cheated. She had been nearly bursting with excitement when she had started examinig it, only to get nothing. She could admit that her expectations had perhaps been a bit high, having thought that she would learn some great secret of the Universe, but this was ridiculous.

Perhaps we need a fresh sample. Roksana suggested lecherously.

Anise scowled. Unlike her, Roksana was not at all upset at the results and would be more than happy for a repeat. Even though Naruto didn't owe her anything, she still felt the absurd urge to slap him...even though nobody could control their genes, it still felt as if the infuriating results were somehow his fault.

She knew that Roksana was seriously contemplating the idea that he really was a god and that was something that Anise refused to even think about.

There were no gods and anyone who claimed otherwise was a liar with a hidden agenda. That assertion had never been disproven in the entire existence of the Tok'ra. It had long been suspected that a sufficiently evolved race would manifest various metaphysical powers and it was likely that they had simply found one such race.

The problem was the sheer scale of what Naruto had demonstrated so far. It was stretching credulity to think that even a highly evolved race would be capable of creating air quakes and personal wormholes.


Ra was angry and that was putting it mildly.

His research base on Akoris had been attacked and destroyed, the technological improvements being researched lost and the scientists killed without hope of resurrection. Not even a sarcophagus would bring back someone who had been beheaded.

Just like all the other System Lords, Ra had been forced to accept(with a great deal of rage), that the raids on poorly defended slave worlds would continue happening and there was nothing much that could be done about it. They simply did not have the resources to fortify every single world unless they wanted to leave themselves open to the attack of a rival.

Despite the insolence of it, those attacks were little more than pinpricks to the might of the Goa'uld. It wasn't as if there was any particular shortage of slaves after all and the need to relocate more to those worlds with naquadah deposits was little more than a minor nuisance.

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